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I stay in the back of the van watching over Doc, I patch his wound up quickly.

Ten and Warren go in the front.

Suddenly a bright light comes up, making even Doc sit up.

10k points to a tunnel and reaches back for my hand. then the car flips.

I wake up to Warren shaking me.

"Blake, you okay?"

I nod as I slowly get up. 10k is pulling Doc up.

"hey you okay?" 10k asks me

I nod and wipe some blood off his face.

"holy shit, is that snow?" Doc asks

I turn and see a bunch of white powder?

"nah, that's ash. radioactive fallout." Warren tells him

—-We all grab scarfs, any fabric we can find in the car and cover our bodies up, our mouths, and nose

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We all grab scarfs, any fabric we can find in the car and cover our bodies up, our mouths, and nose.

"well, now we walk." Warren tells us

10k wraps docs arm around him and helps him walk.

We walk through a junkyard but Doc falls

"here doc sit." Ten puts him down on a bench.

"what is it?" Warren asks

"the bleeding stopped but-" Ten starts to say but Doc cuts him off

"just go, leave me a weapon and some ammo"

"no one is leaving you here to die." i tell him.

"here take the last of the water, go on, i'm pretty weak myself." she tells him

"here doc, take mine." i say giving it to him

"we wait here too long we might be too weak to go look for help." warren tells us

"i don't think i'm going anywhere." doc whines

"stay here with doc, ill go find food or help"

"i'll go with you warren" i offer

"Blake," ten starts

"i'll be okay ten" I tell him

"i could use the help" warren says

ten nods and gives me a kiss on the forehead

"if we aren't back in 48 hours you guys are on your own" she tells him

"good luck." 10k says

"thanks" we say

"Blake, be safe please."

"i always am ten" I say before hugging him

Warren and I start walking slowly

we walk for a while before warren falls to her knees

Blindsighted- 10k fanficWhere stories live. Discover now