Chapter 2

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zone 3, Police Department Pittsburgh.

Two police officers stood guard by an interrogation room, not letting anyone in or out. There was no one in the observation room, no one to bear witness to the ongoing session and detective June had to handle it all by herself.

In the interrogation room, Detective June stared closely at Jeremy and Jeremy stared right back at her for what felt like forever, maybe waiting for the other to begin but Jeremy knew what he was up against, therefore wasn't planning to let his guard down nor spill the beans, one of his bro code. His brown hair was a shaggy mess, his uniform had so many blood stains on it and it was pretty noticable.

"I know you've seen this in movies and animations, so I'll just skip the dramatics and go straight to the point. My name is -"

"I know who you are," Jeremy said with a hush tone. The cocky smirk on his face was infuriating, not only did he just cut the detective short, he smirked on top of it. His eyes met the silver wedding ring that was resting on the detective's finger, "Detective June..." He said, stretching the name longer than it already is, as his eyes leaves the ring to rest on the detective's gaze. Their eyes collided, his blue hazel orb meeting her dark brown ones.

They fell into a comfortable staring competition and none of them were winning or loosing, neither did they intend to end it. They stared as if communicating with their eyes, the older woman was inwardly begging for the other to look away. An obvious smirk covers Jeremy's face, seeing how the older woman momentarily shift in her own sit. After one last look at the detective, he decides to look away. Thank God.

"Listen kiddo, you're making things harder for yourself," June tried again. "But if you cooperate, I'll put in a good word with the D.A." She paused. "This is your last stop Jeremy, whatever decision you make here, good or bad. It's going to determine where you end up in the future, so answer now and you won't have to suffer more in prison."

The sixteen year old just tilted his head slightly to the side, the smirk intensifying."Seriously, prison?" Jeremy titters but the initial plan was to snort. "You need to be more convincing if you're going to put it that way," He held a shrug. "I'm a minor, I can't go to prison." Jeremy said bluntly.

"But you can go to juvie," Detective June said menacingly. "A place fit for spoiled kids like your age, and don't think money can buy your ticket out of this because you're wrong."

Jeremy smile and let his tongue playfully dance around his gums as if impressed by the older woman comeback. "I want my lawyer." He demands, earning a loud scoff from the detective.

"Your sixteen, you are not even close to being a young adult, therefore can't have a lawyer, what you really need right now is to tell the truth and get this over with."


This had been going on for nearly an hour, and Detective June was quickly losing her patience.An hour of questioning and she still hadn't gotten anything from the kid. she kept asking him the same question and he kept giving the same answer even after threatening to take him to juvie, a detention or court centres for juvenile offenders.

Jeremy on the other hand, wasn't going to make it easy for her not until he sees his dad's lawyer, who was dumbstruck after being told about the arrest, and asked him to buy more time till he gets there.

So literally, Jeremy was just buying time, in the best way that he could and the detective Is sure doomed to loose her job very soon.

"What happened to the boy?" No answer. "Was it a deliberate action?" Again, no answer. "Why are you so confident that you'll be off the hook with this attitude? Not even your lawyer will be able to cover this up. Kiddo, whatever you did, I and my team will uncover it before it gets dark."

Inhale deeply then brought his face closer to the detective and ask. "Have you met Mr Collins?"

Detective June cocks her head to the side, taken aback by Jeremy's question. "Mr Collins, who's that?" She asked.

"Exactly, who's Mr Collins, the last time I heard of him was when he tried to find something that wasn't on me and just like that," he exhale softly as he let warm breeze escape from his lips, waving his hand dismissively in a grand gesture. "He became a story, that only few would remember." He rested back on the chair, "I want my lawyer!" Jeremy demanded again with much charisma and detective June did nothing but stare in complete exasperation.

A frantic knock came at the door just before Sam aggressively lash the door open, in his hand, he was holding Jeremy's phone up in the air, panting rapidly. A look of worry hovers around Jeremy's face.

"They found Link," Sam says, "well... practically." He added and shrug.

"Where is he?" Jeremy asked.

"He is... at the top of his dad's skyscraper," Sam sputtered.

"Wha-" Jeremy couldn't finish.

"I think he's going to jump." Sam added. Detective June and Jeremy suddenly went pale after hearing this.


Please take note of the time! Very important, so that you don't get confused. 🤗

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