Chapter 4

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Jeremy's POV

It is the last day of highschool, there's nothing to be excited about because, Sam, Link and I didn't sit for the previous History exam therefore had to be present in school today to retake it before leaving for college. After dropping Link's call, I sat down to take the exam. The environment was peaceful and quiet that you could hear when a niddle hits the floor. I felt like I was in my own private space because i was the only one in the class with the examiner. Sam must have been given his own space as well, a way of punishment for our shenanigans.

Carlos was waiting at the hall as per as the good friend that he is, he came to school even though he wasn't supposed to, given that fact that he already sat for exam before we did and we planned to go play some video games at his house after.

I hastily took my exam, ticking answers even though i wasn't sure if it's right or wrong. Link had called me and I could hear the anger in his voice, I cared less about him not being present in school today, he could always re-sit for the exam. Immediately I finished, I darted out of the class like the building was on fire, almost running passed Carlos who then held me by my wrist to stop me on my tracks.

"woe...what's the rush broski?"

Carlos doesn't know how much I despise the name 'broski' but I can't do anything about it because it's glued to his tongue like a plague already.

"I have to go see Link, he needs me urgently." I said, already jogging farther away.

"what... Link again, what about our plans after school?"

"I'll join you, I promise not to take long." I said, even though I wasn't sure, even though I knew where I was headed and what could come out of it.


I headed to Link's live location using an Uber. Once I arrived, i marked the surrounding, there was a bar at the side and according to my map, Link is not that far from me, that means I'll have to walk into the bar. I took a deep breath, taking in the smell of drunk, high, and sweaty college kids who were partying like there was no tomorrow. It was beautiful. Unsanitary, but beautiful.

After pushing through the crowds of people, i finally crossed to the other side of the building. There was a small garage not too far from where I stood but as I got closer, following Link's map, I noticed it wasn't a garage but a repair shop for motorcycles and vehicles. I saw three guys, one was sitting on the roof of...wait, is that Link's car? that means Link knows them and that's where he is, the other one was leaning on the trunk side of the car, trying to roll a blunt while arguing with the last one who was leaned against the backseat window. I prepared myself to join them and also the conversation, knowing it would likely be something dumb or stupid and that's literally the same thing.

"Finally, someone who makes sense!" the one leaning against the trunk exclaimed before lazily swinging his arm around my shoulders, slightly weighing me down.
My eyes wanders around looking for the mischief that made me leave my friends in haste. As if he knew who I was looking for, the guy leaning on the car window said -

"You're looking for Link, don't worry mate, he's alive."

I rolled my eyes and let out a heavy sigh, knowing where this was going.

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