Chapter 5

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Edwardo's POV

Ever since I returned from New York, I've not been myself. Not like I've been myself since my dad left me, just after preparing me for the future. My wife and my mother believes that I became hardened because of the responsibility my dad laid on my shoulders. Do I believe them? Is it true? well it is not. I let my dad push me around, hit me, break me and as well heal me, because I knew that's how he got trained too. But when he died, i feel like he took my happiness and freedom with him to the other side.

I've not been at peace with myself and I have literally tried everything that I could think of, to live peacefully, even went as far as marrying Amber, though we still needed alot of time to know each other before marriage, but still, it was as if marrying Amber, added toppings to all of my burdens.

I love Amber so much, there's no doubt about that. And that's one of the reasons why I can never lie to her, why I have to tell her what went wrong while I was in New York.

Of course I knew what I was getting into when I walked up to her, straight from the bathroom that night.

"Sweetie we need to talk." I said with a shaky breath.

Amber was lying on the bed but wasn't asleep. When she propped herself up to look at me, I knew there was no going back on this, I had to let her know and get rid of the pang of guilt I've been feeling.

"Edward?" She slurred. Looking at me with those innocent eyes. How did I get her into this impulsive and toxic life of mine? She doesn't deserve any of this. If only she knew that this day will come, she wouldn't have said yes to me and agreed to be my companion.

I could feel the dampness that was starting to form between my thighs at the sight of her lingerie and her deliciously spotless skin. But damn could you blame me? I've been so fucking busy we hadn't had sex in a while now.

"S - sweetie, I need to - there's something you need to know" I stuttered. Still thinking if I should tell her or not, and I knew that it's now or never.

"What happened in New York?" She asked, with the look of worry masked on her face. She knew that it has to be about my work in New York. We were okay before I left but something was off when I got back.

"Something bad." I muttered. With my head turned away to the side. Avoiding eye contact. One look at her and I may puke out all the secrets that not even my dad knows about to her.

"Well - whatever happened, it can't be that bad." She said. I'm sure she was only trying to make the situation less tense than it is at the moment. But then she added. "Right?"

"Amber, I'm worried that you may over react about it -"


Oh no...I did not just do that. Fuck fuck shit, hit me!.

"Sweetie. I...I" Here comes the stuttering. "I did something I shouldn't have and I want you to know -"

"What did you do?" She asked little adamantly. Plus am certainly not offended by this attitude of cutting me short.

"I met someone - a woman." Yeah, am getting there. I'll just have to spit it out and face the consequences head on. "..."

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