ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 2

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𝔜𝔢𝔞𝔯 3

It's finally back. I get to go to Hogwarts and get away from this terrible home. I don't really like to speak much of it but let's say it's not somewhere I call home, a true safe home. I grab my trunk and call Lania, my owl, to meet me at the castle. She flies away with her majestic black feathers. I do really love that bird. I pack quietly so no one hears me leaving. When I go to Hogwarts it's usually before anyone in the muggle world that I'm living with knows. They would stop me. I run downstairs making it outside before anyone notices. I usually walk all the way to King's Cross but this time it felt different. It felt like I was being watched. I stopped on the side of the road, turning around seeing if anyone is following me. Why do I have the anxiety, and why is my hair on the back of my neck standing up. I take my wand out and point. "Who's there" I say defiantly. No response but the feeling didn't go away. I decide to keep walking inside of sitting there like a duck, an easy target. I try to shake the feeling off of me but only seems to get stronger. As this feeling takes over my entire thought process I hear a faint sound. It's small and high pitched. I make my way further down to investigate what it could be, but having my wand up just incase. Yes we aren't allowed to do magic in the muggle world but I will do it if I mean I need to protect my life.
As I get closer the sound of a faint high pitch meow flows to my ears. My heart drops. I look to the box on the side of the road, soaking wet from all the rain we've had today. Inside I see a small creature, a cat. She is black and white and the tiniest thing I have ever seen. She's super weak and can barley see. She looks barley 3 weeks. How could someone do something so cruel, it makes my blood boil and want to track them down. I take the kitty in my hand and wrap her in one of my shirts from the trunk. "It's ok I got you now" I lightly pet the top of her head. Love at first sight.

Then, bright headlights blind my vision and I see a bus coming straight towards me. I don't have much time to react and before I could blast it with a spell it stops forcefully two inches in front of me. A man pops his head out. "What the hell you could've killed me?!" I exhaust. He laughs and hands me a ticket. "We didn't though. Welcome to lost witches and wizards transportation. Don't lose your ticket." He goes behind me and picks my bag up, tossing it into the bus. I'm hesitant. How did it know I was here? After all the rumors I've been hearing in the wizarding world I'd be right to be weary. He tilts his head towards the bus as if saying 'let's go' but my body still doesn't let me. "Where are we going?" I ask holding the cat closer to my chest. "Up and away, let's go." He says and takes my arm dragging me into the bus. I hold out my wand and then around to him pointing the top under his chin. His head lifts up and his breath stifles, showing his fear. "Don't touch me" my voice seethes with venom and warning. He nods and let's me continue to walk in front of him. I sit down in the seats in front and take in the scenery. The bus is filled with makeshift beds besides the seats towards the driver. Some people, I'm guessing magical people though, are sleeping in them. The conductor stops in front of me. He looks at me up and down and says "so what did you say your name was?" He says rubbing the snot off his nose. Nasty. "I didn't. It's MaryJane." I say. He nods and turns to the driver. "Leaky cauldron." The driver shakes his head as if he was asleep and this tiny head, hung the from the rear view mirror telling the driver to go. He steps on it and goes faster than a broom in quidditch. I launch forward, hitting the glass separating the back from the driver. I block the kitty from taking any of the impact. These people are getting on my last nerves.
  We swiftly drive through the streets evading every obstacle like a video game. He makes a fierce stop in front of a old looking building. "Jesus does the wizarding world not have driving tests?" I say as I grab my trunk swiftly making my way off the bus. "Thank you for riding with us!" The conductor says from the bus as he watches me leave. I roll my eyes to myself, craziest ride ever. I check down to make sure the kitty I still have in my arms is safe. She looks at me with big Beaty eyes and I love her already. She's mine forever now. "Vega" I whisper to her and more to myself. I look up at the building in front of me. Wonder where this would lead to? I take my things and head inside. It's crowded. Very crowded. I keep myself close together trying not to be stopped or converse with anyone. I don't know anyone.
   As my anxiety heightens I look around the stressful room to see Sebastian sitting alone in a booth, butterbeer in his hand. I rush to the table and sit with him. "Thank god you're here" I say a little breathless but relieved. "MJ? I didn't know you were coming?" "Neither did I" he chuckles a bit and calls the bar keep. He puts a one up with his finger and the keep nods. I look at him with a 'I'm broke' look. "No worries, on me." He says with his dazzling smile... I mean smile, just smile. He looks down to the little creature I still have holding in my hands. "Whose this?" He scratches the bottom of her chin and she weakly leans into it. "I named her Vega. I found her in the side of the road on my way here." I explain. He smiles at her and continue to pet her.
  "How did you get here?" He asks. "Honestly it's like a blur. I escaped my house and this bus from our world came to pick me up. Next thing I know, I'm here." I try to quickly pass through the part where I had to leave unnoticed, unfortunately Sebastian isn't the type to miss detail. "Escaped? What do you mean?" As he asks that the butterbeer makes it way to the table. I try to turn my attention towards that, or anything else. "Finally I was so thirsty" I change the subject will chugging the drink. I look to see Sebastian studying me carefully, it's like he's trying to figure me out. Which is something you can't do, I can't even do it, it's all it's own thing up there. I feel a blush coming to my cheeks as he stares at me longer. "Your gonna burn a hole in my head with those eyes Seb" I laugh it off and he does the same. He rubs the back of his neck in awkwardness. The tension between us seemed weird. It never was like this, me and Sebastian where almost as close as I am with Ominis. But since I've talked to Sebastian today he's been... off. He clears his throat and looks at the watch in his wrist. "We should get going the train should be here soon." He says. He grabs his stuff and rather quickly making his way out. Instead of using the front door, he leads me to a door from the back of the store. "Where are we going?" I ask rather wearily. He grabs my arm and makes me follow him without answering the question. We stop outside the door to see a brick wall. "Oh nice a wall." I say trying to keep my laugh in a little. He rolls his eyes and faces me slightly, basically giving me a side eye. "You know everything that comes out of your mouth doesn't have to be sarcastic." He says, I can tell in his tone he's slightly annoyed, but I feed off that. "And everything that comes out of your mouth doesn't have to be dumb, but here we are" I reply shrugging my shoulders and holding my hands out to the side at the end. He shakes his head and pushes mine to the side, pushing me away. He then taps his wand a few times in the brick wall in a strange pattern. The walls open up and Hogsmade comes into my view. My mouth is hung open in awe. Sebastian starts walking in front of me turning to me seeing if I'm following. "This is the diagon alley entrance." He says leading me into the street. Everyone is loudly talking and the owls fly over our heads. I see the bits and pieces coming from each store. Honeydukes, joke shop. I missed this. I always think of Hogwarts while I'm away. I can safely say this is really home. Away from all my worries, just doing what I do best. We make our way to the Hogsmade station. It was a bit of a walk but I enjoy Sebastian's company. This time the walk was a bit silent, I guess we didn't really know what to say, but I decided to break the ice. "How was your summer Seb?" I ask finally making eye contact with him. He clears his throat, "it was well, mostly stayed in Feldcroft with Anne, occasionally spending time in Hogsmade." He says with a slight smile at the end. "As for you?" He asks. Sometimes I think about telling Sebastian all of my troubles.
I indeed did not have a good holiday and no one to share that with because it's my burden. I know it's a weight I shouldn't take alone, but talking about my home life makes me burn with an anger I've never imagined. Home was a dark and bleak place, a place one would get nightmares about, it feels how a dementor feels in its presence. I shake my thoughts away to reply to Sebastian. "It went good, spent most of it at home, I missed Hogwarts." I wished then that I didn't ask him the question so we didn't bring up me. "That's all?" His eyebrow is lifted as he gives me a side glance. "Yeah nothing exciting.... Cmon I see the station!" I say quickly moving on from the subject. I grab his arm by his robes and drag him behind me. The students gather around the station, very crowded one. I then see Poppy at the end of the steps with Adelaide. I walk over to the two Hufflepuffs and they smile jumping from their sitting position and run towards me. I drop my stuff and run back catching myself in a three way hug with the girls.
We then all look at Sebastian. I give them a smirk. "Oh hell no.." he says and starts walking away, but before he can get to far, I grab him, forcing him into the group hug with us. His arms are stiffened to their sides and he's in an up straight posture. Making Sebastian feeling awkward is the highlight of my time at Hogwarts. The way his eyes squint and the brightness of his red cheeks... he's you can almost say... cute.. but that thought was swiftly pushed aside. I couldn't and I would never. We finally break the hug apart and he starts to dramatically breathe. "Almost killed meh." He says effortlessly. I roll my eyes, shaking my head in a teasing way. He laughs and taps my head as we walk up the stairs to the station. Poppy and Adaliade look at the small creature in my hand and Poppy goes nuts. "Oh my gosh?! Whose this!!" She exclaims softly petting the kitten. "I found her on the street so she's mine now." I say proudly and showing her off to them. They look in awe and gently touch her soft fur.

𝙰𝚗𝚌𝚒𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚜 // 𝚂𝚎𝚋𝚊𝚜𝚝𝚒𝚊𝚗 𝚂𝚊𝚕𝚕𝚘𝚠 Where stories live. Discover now