Longest trip ever

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Y/n: one question at a time please
Pansy: did he call you princess
Y/n: yes
She squils
Pansy: so are you a thing
Y/n: no he does it to annoy me
Pansy: ok then what happened last night

You tell her everything (sorry I got lazy)

Pansy: he likes you
Y/n: no he doesn't
Pansy: wait wait wait WAIT
Y/n: what
Pansy: you are wearing his sweater right now
Y/n: yes
I blush realizing he might like me but do not want to admit it to Pansy so I shrug it off, mostly. We keep walking when we hear a familiar voice

Astoria: hey fatty patty I heard you like riddle
Y/n: no i don't
Astoria: back off he will break your little heart. He is not meant to be with an ugly bitch like you

I feel tears start to come to my eyes.
Astoria: aw the little baby is crying
I feel so angry that I can't help myself and punch he in the face as hard as I can which makes her fall to the ground.
Y/n: who's the baby now bitch

She gets up lunging at me making me fall and punching me. I try to get her off but I can't, I soon start to feel dizzy and hear Pansy screaming for help when Astoria gets pulled off of me and I hear one last voice.
Mattheo: don't worry princess

He picks me up and brings me to the hospital wing and I start hearing people talk again. As someone mutters I scream in pain and shoot up blood rolling down my face.
Y/n: theo
Mattheo: yea princess
Y/n: you are still here
Mattheo: of course I am
Y/n: sorry about your sweater
Mattheo: oh come on it was new
Y/n: it was new omg I'm so so sorry, I'll pay for it, I'll clean it, I'll-
Mattheo: don't worry about it, i was kidding and you are not going to the party.

I get up and start to walk away when he pins me to the wall
Mattheo: did you hear
Y/n: yes but im still going
Mattheo: no
Y/n: yes
Mattheo: fine but I will follow you everywhere
Y/n: ok

Pansy: y/n- never mind

We both finally realized how close we were, his face was a inches away from mine

Mattheo: bye shorty
He messes my hair up and leaves. Good this boy sometimes

Pansy: girl your dorm know we are changing there
Y/n: ok

You guys get dressed for the party in the dresses you bought before the fight and do your hair and make up (imma let you pick what you wanna wear make up, hair, etc)

You guys are finally done when Mattheo walks in
Mattheo: wow
I start to blush, when Pansy grabs my arm
Pansy: no you can see her at the party not know get ready we are leaving.

She draggs me out of the room again
Y/n: see you later theo
Mattheo: bye shorty

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