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I got changed and we left.


We get there and I instantly drag him to every clothes store to find the perfect coustume for the party.

Mattheo of course saying no to every idea I had. That is until he got an idea and called for me from the other side of the store.

I run to him. "How about devil and angel. My love" he says looking at the short white dress, with angel wings and a halo. "YES" I say taking the coustume. "But what are you going to wear for the devil"

"A black suit with a red tie" he says pointing to the section full of suits. "Ok but you have to wear these to" I hold up a pair of devil horns.

"Why not"
"Because no"
"So you don't love me anymore, is that what's going on"
"I. Hate. You"

He grads them and walks the the suit and grabs a red tie. "Love you too" I say with a huge smirk on my face.

He grads all of the stuff and goes to the cash. I grad my purse and open it. "What are you doing" he looks at me confused. "Getting money" I say also looking confused. "Why" "are you that fucking dumb to pay" I say like it's the most obvious thing in the world, because it is.

"No darling I'm doing that" and before I could say anything he pays and grads my hand and the bag leading me back to school.


I'm bringing her back and she still looks in shock witch makes me laugh. "You good love" I say snapping her out of her transe. "Yea" she answers still shocked. "Why is that so shocking to you" I say and she instantly stops and looks sad and uncomfortable.

I don't want to read her mind but I got to know. "Mattheo I can read minds to you know" I says sorta laughing. "Do you really want to know" I nod and lead her to a bench.

She sighs then starts.

"Ok so before coming to Hogwarts I was in a relationship with a guy named Theodore Nott. We had been dating for 2 years and it was a very toxic relationship. He would abuse me and for a while I thought it was normal until I talked to Draco about it. He got angry and beat the living shot out of Theodore. He broke up with me the next day after he beat me up pretty bad and so did my dad because his family are high ranking death eaters."

She said tears coming to her eyes almost not being able to finish. Poor baby. I hug her let her cry into my shoulder for awhile before leaving because it was getting dark.

She was exhausted so I pick her up so that she could sleep on the way back to Hogwarts.

When we got back I changed her into one of my hoddies and laying her down on the bed. I did the same and got in bed with her. The second I did so I felt her snuggle onto my chest still asleep.



I got up and it was Halloween and there are no classes on Halloween. I got up trying not to wake Mattheo but failed miserably, walking him up and whining for me to come back to bed.

"No love I can't I have to go to Pansy's dorm all the girls are getting ready there." I say giving him a peck on the lips grabbing the bag and leaving.

Fuck his tie is in the bag. I turn around and throw it into the room then running to pansy's dorm. I wake in and see that daphne amd Brie where already there.

"Hey bitchs" i say making a dramatic entrance being the bad bitch I am. "Hey" they all say laughing. Lol I'm so funny I know.

"So what are your coustumes" I ask waiting inpatient "I'm going as a princess, Brie is a vampire and daph is a cheerleader and what about you" she says trying to see in my bag.

"I'm doing devil and angel with Mattheo" they all squeal at my words.

In the next few hours we talk, play games and watch movies. We started a horror movie but got scared like five seconds in so turned on hocus pocus instead cause we had to have to Halloween vibe before starting.

After the movie we start to get ready. After 2 hours we are both ready and late. So we run out of her dorm Pansy being super slow cause she was in heels.

We walk in and the party is full blast when we walk in. As we open the doors all out of bearthe everyone and I mean everyone was staring at us.

Before I get nervous Mattheo pulls me into the crowd and good does he look hot right now. We start to dance for a bit before we get dragged to the drink table.

And that's the last thing I remember of that night. But I did wake up naked next to Mattheo so I think we had a good time.

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