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Outside, the heavy rain creates a picturesque setting, with couples embracing the romantic weather.

Some dance in the rain, while others walk hand in hand with umbrellas.

The atmosphere is filled with the joy of those enjoying the view from their balconies, sipping on hot tea or coffee.

However, within the confines of a dark room, a stark contrast unfolds. Silence prevails, and the absence of happiness is palpable. In this dimness, muffled sobs echo the room, painting a depressed picture of an individual grappling with solitude amid the lively ambiance outside.

The question lingers -

who could be immersed in such a solitary struggle amid this otherwise cheerful rain..?

In the dim room, the door swung open abruptly, revealing a woman in her 40s, Y/N's mother.

With a mixture of concern and frustration, she confronted Y/N about her prolonged isolation.

YN's Mom: "Come on, Y/N. What's going on with you? It's time to move on from that guy. Crying over a jerk like him won't do you any good.
Look at yourself - you've been cooped up here for a week, not eating properly, not even taking care of yourself. Your room stinks! Get up, freshen up. The weather is beautiful today."

Y/N weakly responded, "I will, Mom. Just leave me alone for a bit."

Her mother insisted, "Sure, honey, but please get up after a while. Freshen up. I'm making your favorite pancakes. You used to love those, right? Okay, I'll leave you now. Get ready."

Y/N let out a lazy groan, still lying on the floor, seemingly unaffected by her mother's words.

An hour later, Y/N's mom's voice echoed from downstairs, asking impatiently about Y/N's progress. Y/N replied with a groan, letting her mom know she's on her way. Slowly, she got up and headed to the washroom.

In front of the mirror, she faced a messy reflection - hair all tangled, dried tears on her face, and red eyes revealing her emotional state. The reality of her heartbreak hit her again, but she pushed those thoughts away. Y/N washed her face, brushed her teeth, and put on some comfy clothes. Skipping a bath, she settled for a quick spray of perfume.

As she descended the stairs, her mom greeted her with a bright smile, holding a plate of her favorite pancakes for which she used to run around the whole house with joy. But today, Despite her mom's effort to bring cheer, Y/N managed only a forced smile as she accepted the plate, the joy usually associated with these pancakes now overshadowed by her emotional turmoil.

Sitting at the table, Y/N took a bite, chewing slowly, but her moment of solitude was interrupted as her mom bombarded her with questions about the taste of the pancakes.

"Mom, let me swallow it first," Y/N managed to say with her mouth still filled, gulping it down before responding to her mom's eager inquiries.

"It was fine," Y/N uttered with a blank expression,or we could say an emotionless face masking the sadness within.

Her mom's initial excitement faded, understanding Y/N's situation. Sensing her daughter's struggle, she took a seat beside her, gently touching Y/N's cheeks and planting a soft kiss on her forehead.

Pulling her into a warm and prolonged hug, Y/N found comfort in the embrace, urging her to release the emotions bottled up inside.

"Come on, baby, let it out," her mom encouraged as Y/N, overwhelmed, surrendered to the tears.

In that moment, nestled in her mother's arms, Y/N felt a sense of comfort and security. Her mom whispered consoling words, assuring her that everything would be alright.

After a considerable amount of time,
Y/N began to regain composure. Still unable to find words, she retreated to her room, allowing the weight of her emotions to spill out in her room in which its only her.

Meanwhile, Y/N's mom, growing increasingly worried about her daughter's state, made a decision. She felt it was crucial to address Y/N's depression promptly.

She planned to arrange a visit to a therapist, believing it could prevent the situation from worsening.

Despite her mother's efforts to offer food, Y/N remained holed up in her room throughout the day, refusing to open the door.

The depth of her mother's concern was evident, and even Y/N's father, who lived overseas, shared the same worry. They discussed the situation, and together, they agreed that seeking help from a therapist was the best option for Y/N's well-being.

To be continued... ⛓️🥀⛓️

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