Only You

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Chapter 1: Alexi's Perspective

High school was supposed to be the best time of our lives, or so they say. But for me, it was far from that. My name is Alexi Depp, and I had always been a kindhearted girl. My best friend, Jace Williams, was the only one who truly understood me. We were inseparable, always there for each other through thick and thin.

But then, everything changed. It all started when Vivian, the meanest girl in school, decided to come between us. She saw how close Jace and I were and couldn't stand it. Vivian was determined to tear us apart, and unfortunately, she succeeded. Just like that, my best friend became a stranger.

Days turned into weeks, and weeks turned into months. Jace and I didn't talk anymore, and it broke my heart every time I saw him talking and laughing with other people, especially other girls. I couldn't help but feel a pang of jealousy, wishing it was me he was sharing those moments with.

One day, in our history class, our teacher announced that we had to partner up for a presentation. My heart sank when I heard my name being called alongside Jace's. I knew that if Vivian found out, she would make my life even more miserable. But Jace seemed genuinely happy about it, finally getting a chance to be with me again.

After class, I pulled Jace aside and warned him not to interact with me outside of history class. I couldn't bear the thought of Vivian's wrath falling upon me once more. With a heavy heart, I left him standing there, confused and hurt.

Chapter 2: Jace's Perspective

I couldn't understand why Alexi was pushing me away. It hurt every time she avoided me, talking to other guys but not me. I missed our friendship, and I couldn't bear the thought of losing her completely.

Over the weekend, I decided to go over to Alexi's house to talk about our presentation. As I entered her room, I noticed the bruises on her face. Shocked and angry, I demanded the truth. Alexi hesitated for a moment before confessing that Vivian had beaten her up because someone from our class had told her about our partnership.

Rage consumed me as I stormed out of Alexi's house, determined to confront Vivian. When I arrived at her house, I found my best friend, Jerry, and Vivian in a compromising position. I was furious, not only because Vivian had cheated on me but also because she had been bullying Alexi for the past two years.

I ended my friendship with Jerry and broke up with Vivian on the spot. Their betrayal was too much to bear. With a heavy heart, I made my way back to Alexi's house, knowing that I had to make things right.

Chapter 3: Alexi's Perspective

As I sat in my room, nursing my bruises, I couldn't help but feel a mix of emotions. I was relieved that Jace had finally seen the truth about Vivian, but I was also scared of what would happen next. Would he still want to be friends with me after everything that had happened?

Just as I was lost in my thoughts, there was a knock on my door. It was Jace. He looked different, determined, and sincere. He apologized for everything that had happened and confessed that all those times he had been jealous, he was actually in love with me.

Tears welled up in my eyes as I realized that the feeling was mutual. All those years of friendship had blossomed into something more, something beautiful. Jace and I decided to start over, leaving the past behind us.

From that day forward, our friendship turned into a deep and passionate love. We faced the challenges of high school together, supporting each other every step of the way. Vivian's bullying no longer had power over us because we had each other.

As we graduated from high school, we knew that our love was something special. We had overcome the odds, proving that true friendship could turn into a lifelong romance. And as we embarked on our journey into adulthood, we held each other's hands, knowing that we would always be there for one another.

And so, the story of Alexi Depp and Jace Williams, the best friends turned lovers, became a tale of resilience, forgiveness, and the power of love.

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