His Precious Treasure

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Abraham Drago, a powerful Mixed Breed Vampire, Wizard, and Werewolf Prince, had always been a solitary creature. He had never found a mate that truly captured his heart, until he laid eyes on Casey Charles.

Casey was a simple human girl who loved reading about romance and fantasy. She never expected to find herself in the midst of a supernatural love story, but when Abraham crossed her path, she knew she had found her true mate.

Their connection was instant and undeniable. Abraham was drawn to Casey's innocence and pure heart, while Casey was captivated by Abraham's strength and protectiveness. They were destined to be together, their souls intertwined in a bond that could never be broken.

But their happiness was short-lived when a group of rogue werewolves kidnapped Casey, intent on using her as leverage against Abraham. The prince was beside himself with rage and fear, determined to rescue his mate at any cost.

After a fierce battle, Abraham finally managed to rescue Casey from the clutches of the rogues. Their reunion was passionate and intense, their love for each other burning brighter than ever before.

As they settled into their new life together, their bond deepened even further. They spent their days exploring each other's bodies, their nights lost in a haze of passion and desire.

One fateful night, as the full moon rose high in the sky, Abraham marked Casey as his mate. The act was primal and possessive, a declaration of their eternal bond. Casey wore the mark proudly, a symbol of their love and commitment to each other.

And when Casey discovered she was pregnant with Abraham's child, their joy knew no bounds. They knew that their love was truly meant to be, a union that would last for all eternity.

As they gazed into each other's eyes, their hearts beating as one, they knew that they were each other's precious treasure, destined to be together forever.

And so, Abraham and Casey's love story continued, a tale of passion, desire, and undying devotion. They were two souls bound together by fate, their love stronger than any obstacle that stood in their way.

For they were mates, marked by the moon and destined to be together for all eternity. And nothing could ever tear them apart.


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