Debt is paid

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Chapter 1: The Debt

Nathan Campbell sat in his luxurious living room, staring at the stack of bills in front of him. He knew he was in deep trouble. He owed Ryder Lanceford, the notorious loan shark, a staggering $548,000,000. He had borrowed the money to fund his failing business, but now he was unable to pay it back.

Chapter 2: The Attack

One night, as Nathan was getting ready for bed, he heard a loud crash coming from the front door. He rushed downstairs to find Ryder and his gang standing in his living room. They demanded their money, but Nathan had nothing to give them.

Chapter 3: The Discovery

As Ryder and his gang ransacked the house, they came across a locked door. Curious, they broke it open and found Nathan's 19-year-old daughter, Debbie, cowering in fear. Ryder's eyes lit up as he took in her perfect curves, wide hips, gorgeous face, and curly hair.

Chapter 4: The Claim

Ryder decided then and there that he wanted Debbie for himself. He told Nathan that he would forgive his debt if he handed over his daughter. Nathan had no choice but to agree, and Debbie was taken away to become Ryder's wife.

Chapter 5: The Confinement

On their first night together, Debbie fought back against Ryder's advances. Enraged, Ryder locked her in the basement, where she was kept for four days without food or water. Finally, he sent word for her to clean up and join him for breakfast.

Chapter 6: The Breakfast

Debbie emerged from the basement, weak and trembling. Ryder touched her in ways that made her skin crawl, but she knew she had no choice but to endure it. As they sat down to eat, Ryder's eyes lingered on her, making her feel uncomfortable.

Chapter 7: The Jealousy

Every night, Ryder would bring random women to their bed to satisfy his desires. Debbie watched in jealousy as he took pleasure in other women's arms. One night, after Ryder had left the room, Debbie poured hot water on one of his conquests, causing her to flee in pain.

Chapter 8: The Confrontation

Ryder was furious with Debbie for her actions, but she stood her ground. Seeing her jealousy only fueled his desire for her. Without thinking, he grabbed her and kissed her deeply, igniting a passion between them that neither could deny.

Chapter 9: The Passion

Ryder lifted Debbie onto a table and explored her body with his hands and mouth. She moaned in pleasure as he brought her to her first orgasm, breaking her hymen in the process. The pain was intense, but the pleasure was even sweeter.

Chapter 10: The Connection

As Ryder thrust into Debbie, she felt a connection with him that she had never experienced before. Their bodies moved together in perfect harmony, their passion growing with each passing moment. Ryder's climax sent waves of pleasure through Debbie, leaving her breathless and satisfied.

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