Chapter 2

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I heard shooting and shouting and felt flames upon my face, lapping at my cheeks, engulfing me with smoke. Then there was a bang and the barricade was gone and so was everyone else who stood for the revolution.

Then I awoke. I prayed to The Lord and thanked him. "I thank you that it was just a dream." I whispered to the ceiling I was staring at. Today would be a better day.


Today would be a better day. No getting splashed by any water from the carriage that Marius' grandfather was in. I knew he hated me and he probably did it on purpose. Why was my life such a mess? The boy that I loved, loved someone else. A girl that had been my childhood foe, who I'd always been jealous of, ever since she was taken away to be cared for by Jean Valjean. I wanted to escape with her when my mother and father were fuming. Why didn't I go into the woods instead of Cosette? Then I would be the one with the perfect life, no doubt living in a quaint little house with spacious rooms, comfortable to live in, enough room.

And that's when I came across Marius. He was wearing his uniform again today and his hair looked shorter, but I wasn't sure.

"Hey, Epopnine!" He'd seen me. I smiled at him. "Let's go for a walk."

"Okay." I agreed to go on a walk with him.

Then we came across a house with iron gates and a peach tree in the garden. There was a young girl sat on a swing, reading and singing to herself. That was the moment I lost Marius. Here was where my best friend left me. Left me for a girl who was prettier and perfect and had everything. In comparison to me, she was so much better than me. She was what Marius deserved. To be happy. She was much more suited to Marius than I.

While Marius was distracted with the girl, I made it my duty to wander off. To leave them be. It was none of my business and I knew I couldn't have him. How could someone like me have someone like Marius? It just couldn't, shouldn't be. And once I'd wandered off, I took the long way back to my house, and it started to rain, again. I'm glad it started to rain because tears started to make rivers down my cheeks. The rain washed them away and everything wasn't okay.


I hummed to myself in the garden, reading. I didn't notice the boy from yesterday until it started to rain. I had to move. Closing my book I looked across to the gates and that's when I saw him. He'd found me. My stomach was silently rejoicing for the small mercy that had occurred. I was in love with this boy. I don't know why, and I don't know how. I mean I didn't even know his name!

"Hey! Wait! Don't go inside!" I turned around to see him stood at the iron gates, separating us. "What's your name?" He wore a quizzical, curious look on his face.

"Cosette. And you?" I was facing him, only the iron gates now separating us.

"J'mapelle Marius. Hello, Cosette." I heard the door open and my father was stood there. I waved to Marius discreetly, my father mustn't know.

I stood at the door as Marius walked away, looking back at me and smiling.

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