chapter 7

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It was a very early morning for everyone as today was the start of the revolution. People lined the streets as police on horses went by. Many people were watching. A lot of them may be against this revolution but they watched on anyway as we boarded a carriage. Enjolras was waving the flag with a great passion. Everyone else on the top of the carriage was armed with weapons and Gavroche was here. I worried for the boys safety, no matter how brave and tough he tried to appear to be. It was true. There wasn't much that phased him. He enjoyed beng part of this. The only worry I had was that he saw this as just a game. Not seeing it for what it really was; a war.

Then the revolution began. People rioted on the streets of France, shouting and protesting. I recognised eyes in the crowd. I thought I saw Eponine in amongst them but I must've been mistaken for it couldn't possibly have been her. The person who had the same eyes as her was dressed in pauper's clothes and was dressed as a man. However, the lines of the face did appear very feminine. I shook it from my mind and made the way to the pub to gather furniture for the Barricade that was to be built this afternoon.

Enjolras immediately started shouting up to the windows, many obeying and giving them furniture and chairs, all things to go on the barricade. Chairs were being given and Gavroche and I were setting the furniture onto the barricade. This barricade was what would stand between us and the Law. We knew that we could die tonight, and if not tonight then tomorrow, or the day after that. All of our lives could be gone but we were doing this to stand for what we believe.


I was dressed like this when the crowds came to stop the revolution beginning. I noticed Marius and everyone were on a carriage of some sort and they were waving flags and they held weapons. Marius looked almost majestic up there, if it wasn't such a sad reason for being there. He could die tonight.

His eyes locked with mine. I saw something like recognition in his eyes. That is definitely what it was. I quickly flicked my eyes away and I followed the carriage that would lead to the barricade they were making.

Furniture was flying and people were fleeing. Some refused to give up their belongings. Many times people of the barricade had to force them, the women especially, off their chairs.

When the barricade was all set and ready, people took their places. This was it. I was instructed by someone who I didn't know the name of to stand by the barricade. They didn't give me a weapon though. Maybe he had seen straight through me and recognised who I was, just like Marius had done earlier on today.

As I stood at the barricade, Marius was telling Gavroche to leave, get out of here, telling him to stay safe. He shouldn't be here. Everyone was thinking it, but he wanted to be brave. There was no denying him with the stubborness that he had.

"You, sir." This was Enjolras' voice. I forgot for a moment that I was disguised as a gentleman so I hesitated slightly before answering him.

"Yes, Enjolras?" My voice must've given me away because immediately there was a gasp and Marius was next to me. He put his arms around me and drew me close. "What are you doing here, you're going to get yourself killed!" he whispered loudly into my ear.

"I came to spend the last few days with you. I couldn't bare it and besides, it doesn't matter if my life is taken for you have Cosette and will have plenty of other friends who survive this night. What am I compared to all of them?" I gestured all around me where people stood, counting the barrels of gunpowder that we had. My throat tightened as tears threatened to manifest in my eyes.

"You are my love. I am in love with you, Eponine." I gasped, partly from the embrace that was so tight but the majority of the reasons to gasp was because of what Marius had just admitted. How could he be in love with me? I was a pauper with nothing but crooks for a family, barely a roof over my head and not much currency to my name. Marius on the other hand, was well-off, with a rich grandpa where they lived together in a big house full of plenty of furniture with many jewels and money surrounding him.

"You're lying. Please don't lie to me. I want to know the truth even if it hurts." I pull away from him and started heading up the stairs of the barricade to climb over it.

"That is the truth. The truth is that I love you and I want you to stay safe. Please go away from the barricade. I know you would give your life for mine, but I want you to live to see the day we get married." Stopping in my tracks, I turned to see Marius with a serious face. He never wore that face. Not really. "I love you 'Ponine and I want you to marry me." I ran back down the barricade and held him tightly.

"This is not a very good time to propose to her, Marius. We are in the middle of the revolution." Enjolras tried to break us apart but it did not happen.

"YES!" And I kissed him square on the lips while I felt all the eyes on me. I didn't care. It was immoral to do such a thing in public but we both might very well be gone tomorrow so what much else should I do? I wasn't going to just stand there with no emotional response, no sign of affection to be shown for there were many emotions in me. That of joy and excitement, love and anguish and I was nervous. If we both survived, what would my parents say? What would Marius' grandfather say? There were so many things that were swirling inside my head as our mouths were joined together.


Surely he loved Eponine. He now knew of my love for him but Eponine was always going to be there. She wasn't moving to England. She wasn't going to be leaving him like I was. I so wanted to stay, but with father's mind already made up, I knew that choice was extinguished even before it really lit into a flame.

The new flat where we were was a lot more compact than the previous house we had just sped from. There were still two rooms, however, and the fireplace in each of them where the chimney was split in the middle, I presumed. "Father, please can you light the fire?"

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