Chapter 4

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Everyone was stunned as Gavroche spoke the horrific news to us. How could this be? How could he have so suddenly gone? The doctor said he was going to get better. I'm sure that is often how it happens though.

We all were gathered here for the french revolution with no one to lead us. And life was as complicated as ever. My grandfather certainly didn't agree with me participating in this revolution. It was 'below me' and he certainly didn't like the idea of my friendship with Eponine. But now I was starting to see more than friendship; in her eyes, in my heart. There was also Cosette. She had these big blue eyes that you couldn't not get lost into. They were like the sea, not that I had recently seen the French ocean.

"...MARIUS!" I had gone into the world of my head, of my overflowing thoughts.

"Yes, Enjolras." I looked up to see a worried face.

"You were thinking of that girl again weren't you? About her 'big eyes' and her 'perfect skin'" There was a bitterness in his voice but he meant well.

"I was thinking about Eponine actually." There. I'd admitted it, as much as I may come to regret it later.


I caught the back end of the conversation, The end of the conversation where Marius said he had been thinking about me. He mentioned me to his friends. As much as I didn't want to get my hopes up, there was a spark, a feeling in my chest that bubbled and popped and my heart started beating faster.

He couldnt be in love with me. It was not a possibility. How could he? Someone like me? There weren't very reflective surfaces but there were enough for me to that my appearance was nowhere as near as perfect as Cosette's. Her hair was better, her eyes held more colour, but what about her personality? She might be a complete bore. She may not even be able to hold the conversation.

But he was thinking about me. My thoughts swirled in my head. I really was in love with him. There was nothing I could do to stop this emotion, I didn't want to, despite the fact that the love was probably unrequited. It hurt to think of it like that. There was a conflict. Half of me just clung on to the fact that Marius loved me back. The other half was being rational and told me that it would never happen. Of course I was going to go with the part of the conflict I agreed with more.


My father had gone out of the room. Maybe it was best I didn't press him about his past. He seemed to change the topic of discussion everytime it was mentioned. This was on my mind for a while and then it wandered. Wandered to him. To Marius. The one whom I thought I was in love with.

I had never felt this emotion so I did not know whether it was the real thing or not. Each time I had seen him, Eponine was by his side. They were close friends, I could see that much. There was something, a light, that was in Eponine's eyes when she had been with Marius. Somthing like admiration, something similar to longing.

Maybe Marius had captured more than just one heart. He had captured more than just a part in my head. He was also renting a place in Eponine's mind. I wonder if his heart is split in two? Maybe he loves both of us. Maybe he just loves one of us.

Then a thought came into my head. He was part of the revolution. I presumed that was what his uniform was for. That meant he was poor, ill of wealth and riches. That would explain why he was with Eponine. I wasn't going to let such a trivial thing such as riches get in the way. If this was love, love should win out.

A heart full of loveWhere stories live. Discover now