chapter 6

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My heart was with Eponine, I knew that now. I barely knew Cosette and only on the second meeting did we hold a conversation and exchange names. It was barely a conversation at all before she went, fled from me like she had been caught at the scene of a crime.

Eponine often put me before herself. She often did that with anyone. It was the type of preson that she was, it was her personality. And that is the reason we are friends. She puts others needs before her own and would probably gladly give up her life for me if there was ever a reason to.

In that way we alter. I would never consider giving up my life for any of my friends. I was too selfish. I more or less always put myself and my own thoughts and feelings and needs before anyone elses. It was one of the downsides that often came with being well-off. Being friends with Eponine and Enjolras and all the others had helped me see that maybe poorer people really were better off as they often held much more love for other people.

I wandered back to the small flat where I was staying. While the revolution was going on, I dare not visit my grandfather. When I was there, I folded up my revolution uniform, and crawled into bed, gathering the very thin covers in my hand and pulling them tightly around me and over my face. My legs curled in underneath me so that heat stayed with me.


As we were in the carriage, on the way to a smaller sized flat, a few streets away from where we were, for that is where we seemed to be heading, the dirty streets swept past us. I gazed out of the window, not knowing what to expect from my new life that was soon to begin in a different country.

People on the streets looked as if they were beginning the revolution. It couldn't start so soon surely. Of what I had heard from people wandering on the streets, the people participating in this revoltuion had not been planning this for very long. Good luck to them. I raised my head to heaven and prayed.

Lord I pray for you to keep my Marius safe. I pray that his friends may survuve through this awful time and that Eponine may be better off later in her life. Amen.

After finishing the prayer, I turned back to window gazing and I thought of him.


I slept with little comfort that night, sleeping on a near to empty stomach. When I awoke, I realised that today was the day that the revoluton would begin. Wanting to stay close to Marius in his possible last days, I came up with an idea, a plan that would help me look after him. I hoped that it would work and that it would be effective.

As I rooted through some belongings in the draw downstairs, I found some bandages. Taking the bandage, I headed upstairs to get prepared for the task that was about to be carried out. The bandage was just the right amount for me to bind around my chest so that I wasn't as prominent underneath the pauper boy clothes. I put on the trousers that felt very itchy and they were a little big. I slipped the shirt over my head where it fell over my torso. The last thing that needed to be done was for me to hide my hair. I couldn't bare to hack at it with a knife or a dagger of any sort so I hurried into what substituted as a family room for us and stole one of my father's caps. Thankfully he didn't take note of me or the garments that I was wearing.

I folded my hair under my hat and made my way to where Enjolras, Marius and the rest of them would be.

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