chapter 5

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Putting down my book, I got off my bed, taking the lit candle from my bedside. Marius was still in my mind but there was an awful screaming coming from outside. It was a high pitched wail that sounded very similar to what i thought a Banshee should sound like.

There was a boom of a voice. He was a policeman. Javert. That was what people were saying. The policeman's name. Before i was fully out of my room on the end of the house, father was out of his room and was taking all of our silver and packing them away. 

"Come, Cosette. We must go to England." NO! My thoughts were saying. I don't want to go to England. I will never see Marius again. "We are going to England from..." tears welled in my eyes, threatening to tumble onto my cheeks. If we were going somewhere else though, that meant I could slip a note to Marius into the gate, tell him where I was going. As much as I would love to leave for England, France was my home and where Marius was, where my heart lay.

I would tell Marius. While father was gathering things to set into the carriage, I began to write a letter. 

My dearest Marius,

It is with sadness I tell you that we are moving. A tear fell on the page, smudging the word sadness.

After we have moved to the other side of Paris, for I think that where father said we are going, we are travelling to England where we will be apart. 

I wish you the best in the revolution if I do not see you before the war has begun. Stay safe and I hope to stay in touch with you, my love.

Lots of love sent your way,


I signed off the letter, folded it up and as we made our way to the carriage, i placed the letter between the pattern in the great black fencing where Marius and I had exchanged names. 


As soon as the words came out of my mouth, there was a surprised gasp that came from the old wooden stairs. I turned to see that it was Eponine herself. She ran down the stairs. I turned to look at Enjolras, who didn't look impressed but i went after her anyway. 

"That boy will never cease to amaze me. What would he want with a girl like that?" Everyone jeered as I left the pub. It was not long until the revolution would begin and all they could do was discuss me and my amazements.

"Eponine." She turned to face me.

"You better have meant all of this. If not, you have not just broken the heart that belongs to me." I didn't admit it, now that she stood facing me. I wasn't quite sure how. Unsure of what i should do, i just took Eponine into a hug.

There was a girl on the street that spoke to us. "Are you two married?" Is this what hugging meant? I shook my head as I held Eponine close to me. My heart belonged to this girl. It also belonged to the girl with the blonde hair. Right now, my heart was solely in the embrace being shared with Eponine.


After the brief encounter with Marius, I made my way home. to do so meant travelling past Cosette's house. The big fancy house with the big gates and the swing in the garden with wild daisies.

As I approached the building, I saw that there was no light in any of the rooms and the front door was wide open. There was what appeared to be a letter slotted in the groove of the gate. I took it into my hand and began to read the writing. It was difficult to read when you weren't really able to do such a thing. I admired the endless swirling of Cosette's well written words. She was declaring his love for him. For my Marius. 

I folded up the letter and put it close to my heart, tucking it into my dress. No matter what, I would give the letter to Marius when the time was right. When the time came and confidence would come to me, he would receive this letter. But not before. 

I wandered to my house where mother and father were having a bicker about the amount of food that had been wasted. Although father was conniving and sly, he wasn't the brightest of people. Instead of throwing away the stake bread to feed the pigs, he had managed to take the bread that was deemed as fresh to us. Mother was throwing things, breaking things. "Oh, Eponine my dear. Any look in finding a perfect suitor?" I shook my head. A suitor. Who did she think I was, Cosette?

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