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Dove walks through the pews of the church toward Davina's room in the attic, where she is kneeling over where Elijah lays in his coffin. She removes the dagger, and stares at it for a moment

Dove leans over the coffin looking at Elijah's body

Dove: He looks good in a suit. I think it's time to give him back

Davina: Marcel asked me to figure out a way to kill the Originals. I'm not done! The silver dagger hurts them, but that's it.

Dove: Vina, Rebekah's one of my mates.

Davina: I know that, sugar. Tonight's the annual Dauphine Street Music Festival. Wanna go?

Dove: The whole point of you being up here is so you're never spotted out there. You know who works smack in the middle of Dauphine Street? Sophie Deveraux. Pain-in-the-ass witch? And you know what the witches will do to you if they find you.

Davina smirks placing her hands on her hips, rubbing her thumbs up and down her skin.

Davina: Come on, it's one night and we can dance together.

Dove: Fine! Let's go dancing.

She pecks her lovingly on the lips over and over again.

Dove: I love you, Vina

Davina: I love you too, Sugar.

They smile widely as Davina pushes her back against the edge of the bed, Dove slides the straps of her dress down her shoulders letting it hit the floor. Davina lays her down on the bed as they move their lips against each other passionately.


Davina and Dove miles broadly as they walks down Dauphine Street in a white sundress, looking at all the people and listening to the music. Marcel, Dove and Davina walk into Rousseau's, which is teeming with people drinking and listening to a brass band play up front

Marcel: So, is it everything you hoped for?

Davina and Dove: Yeah!

Marcel: So, we should probably go over the rules.

Dove: [sighs] We won't talk to anyone about anything. We won't say anything about witches, or vampires, or Originals, or you.

Davina: You said you weren't going to hover!

Marcel gives them a look, the girls giggles.

Davina yanks on Dove's arms dragging her to the dance floor. Dove smiles throwing her arms around her neck while Davina places her hands on her hips as they begin to move to the music.

Marcel watches them from the bar

Marcel: It's good to see you. I was worried you thought I was some hothead after that display at the Masquerade.

Cami: We all have our hot-headed moments! [She shrugs] Anyway, I'm almost done here until clean-up, so the three of us girls can hang out if you need to go shmooze, or whatever.

Dove leans over to butt into their conversation

Dove: You know, he was supposed to stop hovering like, ten minutes ago.

Marcel: See what I mean? Authority issues! I'll go talk to the mayor-- he actually knows how to show some respect!

Cami watches Dove walk back over to Davina and throws their arms around each other.


Dove is standing in the aisle, staring at the statues and lit candles at the altar in the front of the room, when Davina finds her there

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