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Rebekah and Dove are meeting again in the Garden standing in front of each other, their hands clasped together

Rebekah: You can't afford your wounded pride. With Klaus in control of your empire, you need to give him what he craves most: loyalty. Or, at least, the illusion of it.

Dove: The fuck you'd say to me?

Rebekah shallows a gulp at the glare written across her mate's face, she smiles nervously

Rebekah: He will, because he wants your allegiance. Speaking from my experience, I know that if you play the part, all is forgiven. But, if you give him any reason to doubt you, he will strike back.

Dove: I'm not afraid of him

Rebekah lifts her hands to her lips

Rebekah: Make me a promise, darling . You will do whatever it takes to stay alive

Dove leans up on her tip toes pressing her lips to hers

Dove: I promise.

She smiles, nuzzling their noses together making Rebekah smile.


Dove is inside the attic room smiling at Davina

Dove: I got our room all cleaned and ready. It's the best room in the place

Davina: I can't leave, baby. Remember what happened last time?

Dove: How stupid do I think I am?

Davina looks at her, raising her eyebrow.

Dove: I'm trying to protect you. The witches are out to get you and this way, we can have a bed that's not all lumpy.

Klaus walks into the room

Klaus: Plus, there's excellent light in the afternoon.

He notices Davina's paintings and goes to take a closer look at them

Klaus: I see you're an artist. Wonderful! I look forward to witnessing your many talents!

Davina: Was this his idea?

Klaus: Davina, please. I understand you're devoted to Marcel and Dove, but they're devoted to me. I assume you'll want what's best for all of us. We have a meeting to attend downstairs.

He walks out of the room. Dove smiles wrapping her arms around Davina's waist who leans down touching her lips to hers.

Davina: So how comfy is this bed?

Dove: Extremely comfy.

Davina: I guess you talked me into it.

She brushes her hair out of her face tucking it behind her ear before placing her hand over her cheek rubbing her thumb across her cheek.

Davina: I love you, baby

Dove: I love you too, Vina.


Dove walks into the compound dropping her purse down on a table when Hayley creeps into the room, moving behind her and wraps her arms around her waist and whispers in her ear

Hayley: Hey Sugar.

She nibbles at her earlobe. Dove moans in response as Hayley slides her lips down to her neck.

Hayley: Whatcha you doing?

Dove: Nothing

She wiggles out of her hold and turns around to face her, smiling up at her. Hayley grabs her hands lifting them to her lips.

Dove: If Klaus hurts you, I'll kill him

Hayley: That makes you so hot.

Dove leans up on her tip toes pecking her lips over and over again, Hayley smiles, hand around her waist smiling each time her lips meets hers.


Dove and Davina are unpacking their belongings. Dove is rummuging through her bag, Davina looks at her confuse

Davina: Babe, what's wrong?

Dove: I think I left my violin.

Davina smiles reaching into her suitcase and pulls out her violin, handing it to Dove who squeals happily taking the vioin in her hand

Dove: What would I do without you?

Davina: Crash and burn.

Dove smiles and leans up giving her a warm loving kiss.

Dove: Oh Agnes is dead.

Davina: What?

Dove: Elijah kill her.

But.. Agnes was the last living Elder. If she's dead, then I'm safe. Marcel would've told me. Why didn't you tell me?

Dove: I only found out, babe. You're free. We're free. Elijah went all berserker on her crew. I guess it was super gross, just like heads and guts... blech

Davina looks at her, lips curling up into a warm smile.

Davina: I love you, baby

Dove: I love you too.


Dove has met up with Rebekah in the Garden

Dove sighs running her hand down her face

Dove: Look things are good with your brother. Vina's safe. He wants to run things with me, as partners. But, if we keep meeting like this behind his back... You said it yourself, whatever it takes to stay alive.

Rebekah: Oh, this is about survival, is it? If you were this pathetic a liar with my brother, I'm surprised he hasn't killed you already.

Dove: Bekah.....

Rebekah pulls her into her arms wrapping her arms around her, Dove nuzzles into her chest as Rebekah runs her fingers through her hair

Rebekah: I have waited 1000 years for you, my love. I won't let anyone take you away. I won't let anyone hurt you.

Dove: I know. I got people to look out for and that includes my mates.

Rebekah: I think you got that wrong

Dove looks up at her confused, Rebekah smiles caressing her face with her thumb

Rebekah: It's your mates's job to keep you safe and sound.

Dove: I love you

Rebekah: And I love you.


Hayley has her arms around Dove who's resting her head on her chest, Hayley smiles down at her running her fingers through her hair

Dove: Is the wolves......

Hayley: They're safe and sound, Sugar.

Dove trails her fingers along Hayley's shoulder where her Crescent birthmark is shown.

Dove: Keep that covered up

Hayley: I know.

Dove: If anyone saw this...

Hayley: Babe, I will.

Dove lifts her head up and puckers her lips, Hayley smiles leaning down touching her lips to hers.

Dove pulls away and nuzzles back into her arms, Hayley tightens her arms around holding onto her tight not wanting to let go.

I'm torn on who should have a baby first with Dove?

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