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Davina walks into the bar, smiling seeing Dove waiting for her in a booth.

Davina: Baby!

Dove: Vina!

She stands up and approaches her, but looks at her worriedly

Dove: What are you doing here? ? I would have met you anywhere you wanted. I mean, not anywhere Klaus would be. Are you okay?

Davina: It's Monique. She has no idea what I went through when I was dead. The ancestors hated me for what I did with my magic. I can't just start practicing again.

Dove looks at her sadly, wrapping her arms around her waist and nuzzles into her chest. Davina wraps her arms around her holding her tightly, pressing her lips to the side of her head.


Dove sees Hayley entering the party. Hayley sniffs the air catching a heavenly scent and turns her head seeing her mate in a beautiful black dress and growls.

Dove walks up to her, smiling

Dove: Wanna dance?

Hayley: More then anything

She takes her hand and leads her out onto the dance floor.

Hayley: Klaus even came out to play. He once told me that his painting was a metaphor for control. For achieving his vision through sheer force of will.

Dove: I hope your daughter gets your-----

She tilts her head gazing at her with a loving look

Dove: Everything.

Hayley twirls her around, doing an under arm dip then pulls her back up

Hayley: It's weird being back here.

Dove: Not bad, I hope?

Hayley: Nope, not at all bad.

Dove: Are you sure you shouldn't be back here?

Hayley: Why, sweetiepie? Because you don't think it's safe in big, bad Wolf Country? I'm not gonna sit in a rocking chair and knit booties, or haven't you figured that out yet?

Dove: I just------I miss you

Hayley: I know, baby. I miss you too

She tilts her head downward and kisses her softly on the forehead.


Dove is at the lycée with Davina, where they're hanging out in the greenhouse. She looks through the shelves of dried herbs and flowers while Davina sits at a nearby table

Dove: You know the only people who's ever gotten me flowers was you guys.

Davina: Better only be your girls, Sugar.

Dove: You know, I don't have a home to go home to, or a family to go home to. I used to hate myself for that, but the thing is, I don't really care what they think anymore. If your family doesn't like you the way you are, screw them! You got me, and Cami... even Marcel. If you want.

Davina: Marcel used me.

Dove: He used you to fight the people who were trying to kill you. And, you know, he also saved you from those people. So you don't have to trust the guy, but he does love you and p.s. so do I

Davina(smiles): Even if I don't have any magic? All the power I had was from the other Harvest girls. I don't even know what I have without it.

Dove: You're a witch, Vina. . You can't change your DNA any more than I can, so you might as well embrace it.

She hands her the dried rose she's been holding

Davina: [whispers] Belle la vie à cette fleur. Belle la vie à cette fleur. Belle la vie à cette fleur. Belle la vie à cette fleur. Belle la vie à cette fleur. Maintenent.

The flower comes back to life. Davina tucks it behind Dove's ear then cups her chin leaning in touching her lips to hers in a soft passionate kiss. Dove slowly throws her arms around her neck, moving her lips against hers.

Davina grabs her by her hips lifting her up placing her on the table, Dove giggles wrapping her legs around her waist. Davina grabs the back of her neck tilting her head back, kissing her jaw and heads down to her neck sucking marks into her flesh

Dove tilts her head further back, eyes closed in pleasure and moans softly.

Dove: I love you

Davina: I love you more, Sugar.

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