𖡎 cracked lips and tired eyes 𖡎

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"tsukki, i swear to god, if you don't keep those popsicles you call feet to yourself, i will throw you to the floor," kuroo exclaimed while retreating away from his boyfriend.

after a night celebrating with the team, tsukishima was now at home, clean and showered, cuddling up with kuroo in his bed. kuroo was only wearing a pair of black basketball shorts, and tsukishima was wearing his white, oversized sweater and adidas joggers. his blond hair was still damp from his hot shower.

tsukishima let out a soft giggle from kuroo's whine and went to wrap his arms around his raven-haired boyfriend.

kuroo recoiled. "god damn, your hands are worse! get away from me!"

"that's what you get for being practically naked, you know," tsukishima laughed as he kept putting his hands and bare feet on kuroo's exposed skin.

"alright, that's it," kuroo growled. he went in for the tackle and had tsukishima pinned under him. he knew his weakness.

kuroo lifted up his shirt and wriggled his fingers on his boyfriend's skin. tsukishima was squirming and laughing uncontrollably. despite his struggle out of kuroo's grasp, it was to no avail. kuroo was stronger.

"ah..haha..babe please..haha," he laughed.

"give in, tsukki-poo."

tsukishima reached to punch kuroo, but he was weakened by the electrifying sensations kuroo was causing. "i said stop...haha...calling me...haha..okay, okay, i give. i give."

kuroo climbed off of him and laid beside him, clearly proud of himself. he looked over to see his boyfriend panting heavily from the six-minute abs, still smiling. his smile faded when he noticed the immense trembling of the blond's hands. "oh, god. babe, are you okay?"

tsukishima looked at kuroo confused. "yeah? i'm fine."

kuroo cradled tsukishima's frigid hand. "you're shaking. really bad."

tsukishima's once playful expression fell a bit but not enough to reveal what he was hiding. "oh, it's fine. probably just exhausted from the last few days. it's nothing new."

kuroo wasn't necessarily convinced, but he wasn't willing to pry. he knew tsukishima has had a long, tiring few days. plus, endless hours of balls smacking against your hand has been known to create residual tremors.

however, he wasn't about to pretend that something with his boyfriend wasn't off.


things were emerging

he stared at himself in the mirror the next morning. he looked...rough.

the whites of his eyes were slightly pink and a dark color rimmed the bottom of his lower lid. his eyes couldn't open all of the way because they were burning for sleep. his cheeks looked pretty swollen, and his throat was sore. the pad of his forefinger ran across his bottom lip, catching against the flaking skin. he was going to need some serious chapstick.

his face was erythematic, and his body felt febrile. the soreness from volleyball had really set in at that point like a bitch slap to the face. tsukishima splashed some cold water on his face in hopes of both waking him up and cooling him off. to no success.

it was a stormy saturday morning. you could hear the rain drops pitter patter against the window and periods of low rumbling. despite it being almost 7, the sky was blanketed with dark and gloomy clouds. tsukishima saw himself within the clouds; floating near the heavens, riding on cloud 9 of his dreams, while underneath him was a raging storm that wreaked havoc. he's no longer floating; he sunk through with the rain and was now stuck in the storm.

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