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Your Pov:

I didn't sleep, I had spent the whole night replaying the kiss in my head, I had kissed Regina George. The queen bee. The most popular girl. The one person who could turn my world upside down. Damian and Janis warned me, told me to stay away from her, told me to not get caught up in her world. There were parts of me, telling me "This is a bad idea" yet I didn't care, if anything I wanted more, I wanted to be apart of her world. Well not apart of her world...

 I wanted to be her world. 

That kiss lit a fuse inside of me, like I was waking up for the first time, I was seeing the world for the first time. 

Sure, I had kissed a guy or two before, just to experiment, to see if I liked it. I always knew I liked girls and my dad had always been supportive of that. This kiss was different than the other ones, it was electric, exciting, and unimaginably hot. 

I get out of bed finally, I was tired, but at the same time I was wide awake. I was exhausted, but I've never felt so awake and alive. 

I take a quick shower, trying to wash away some of my tiredness, I headed back into my room, picking out a grey V-neck t-shirt, and ripped black jeans. As I finish getting ready, I head downstair, I hear my dad crashing around in the kitchen.

"God dammit" I walk into the kitchen to see him hitting his head on a cabinet. 

"Uh Dad?" He turns to me, embarrassed "everything okay?"

"Yep, just a rough morning so far" he gives me a small smile "How's school going? have you made any friends yet?" 

"Uhm yea, schools good nothing to complain about so far, I've made a couple friends"

"I'm glad, I know this year is going to be weird, but friends will help that" He walks over to me and pulls me into a hug

"So monkey, any cute girls? Any crushes?" He mischievously says 

"uhm noooo" I turn away trying to hide my blush

He had a giant grin on his face "I won't push you to tell me, but know I'm always here to listen"

"If it goes anywhere, I promise I will tell you" I interlock my pinky with his, he had always taught me that a pinky promise is the most important kind of promise. Even though I was a kid when he told me that, it always stuck with me, it's the only way I make promises now.

He pulls me into another hug "You're gonna be late, get goin"

I wave him goodbye and run to my car. I was excited, no nervous, no terrified, I couldn't really tell what was going on through my head, I had so many feelings and that scared me even more.

I start the drive to school, pushing away my thoughts and feelings, how was I supposed to talk to Regina? What was she gonna say to me? What if she ruins my life because of this kiss?

I arrive at school, I keep my head down, stuck in my own thoughts, walking through the halls. 

The noise didn't bother me today, nothing did, I almost reached my locker when I felt a hand pull me into a janitor's closet.

"What the hell" I couldn't see anything, it was pitch black "Who the fuck-"

I was cut off by someone pushing me up against the wall and the lights coming on, "You should cuss more, it's hot" Regina George was face to face with me, I could feel my whole body go numb, it felt as if someone poked a hole in my lungs, like all the oxygen was leaving the room, the world had come to a screeching halt. Any bit of tiredness had left me, now a new feeling was consuming my body, was it fear? lust? I could feel a small part of me felt calm. I knew I wanted to talk to her again, but this was a lot more terrifying than I expected. I tried to speak, it felt as if someone was holding my vocal cords, stopping all noise from coming out. 

"You ran away awfully fast yesterday, I was..." She pauses for a moment, looking in my eyes, like she was trying to see what I was thinking, like she was looking straight to my soul "disappointed to say the least"

Disappointed? Did she-? No she couldn't have...

Right? There is no universe would Regina George enjoy kissing me. There is no way in hell, this absolutely stunning woman, would feel the same way as I feel about her.

"I-I'm sorry, I shouldn't have k-kissed you, I didn't know what I was thinking, p-please just forget it ever happened, I'm so s-sorry" I looked down at my feet, rethinking everything that happened, hoping to god she doesn't try to ruin my life now. Janis and Damian were right, I should have never gotten close to her, I made a mistake, a giant one at that, and now I had no idea what was going to happen. My third day here and I may have already destroyed any chance of me surviving.

"Don't be" I look back up, she hadn't stopped looking at me, like she was studying me "There is something about you Y/n, I like you"




"W-w-what?" I was stuttering, my mind felt like a hurricane had hit it, my thoughts all over the place. My back wasn't pushed up against the wall anymore, she had stepped back, like she was letting it sink in. She liked me? This had to have been a joke, a way to lure me into a false sense of security.

Before I could even speak again, I felt her hands push me up against the wall again, "You ran away before I could do this..."

She brought my face to hers and kissed me, but this kiss was different than any other. Our lips fit together perfectly, like all my life I had been missing a piece of me and this was it. Her lips moved slowly against mine, both of us savoring it as much as we could, my whole body felt like I was on cloud nine, my stomach turned and twisted with every little movement. She put her hand on my neck, her fingers on my jawline, pulling me into her. 

She pulled away slowly, my mind was blank, all the thoughts that were running around in my head had evaporated, I try to calm my breathing, my heart was still racing, I had goosebumps all over, and all I could manage to say was "wow" she laughed at me a little bit. 

"I like you, and based on how fast you heart is beating" she held her hand against my chest, feeling my heartbeat "you feel a similar way"

She was right, so absolutely right, I did like her, but I barely knew her. 

"uh- I- oh- I-" I could barely speak, like everything I tried to say something my mind would stop me.

"I know, we just met a few days ago, but I want to get to know you, I want to knowing everything about you" she made me feel safe in that moment, like nothing would hurt me "Let me take you on a date" she didn't demand it, like she demanded me to sit with her, she said it more like a plea, like she actually wanted me to say yes.

Regina George, the one person everyone was scared of, envied, and fawned over, wanted to take me, the new girl that no one knew, on a date.

"Absolut- I mean uhm yes I would like that" 

The day had just started and not only had she kissed me, she was going to take me on a date.

I really mean it when I say, this year is going to be the most interesting year of my life.

~Author's note~
Sorry for the delay for this chapter, I have been dealing with some personal things, but I hope you like it, I feel like I'm going a little fast but I hope you like it anyways. and i just wanted to say something, I am rewriting this whole fanfic once i finish it to fix any mistake, make the chapters flow a bit better, and to just make it more how I imagine it in my mind.

I'll leave you guys with my favorite tweet I have ever seen

"Girls dont want boyfriends, they want Renee Rapp"

And i live by that

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