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chapter seven;pure embarassment
Olivia's POV

I woke up and hopped out of bed to get some kind of girly feminine outfit. After I got done looking, my room looked like a battlefield. It was covered with my army print clothing.

But anyways, I found it and I just wanted to get out of my house as quickly as possible. You may be wondering, why? It's because of my parents who literally got excited when I grew out my short hair because they felt I was more girly.

So I rushed to the door and I was so close too. Until they caught me and squeezed me tightly. Then my mom gave me a card she had handmade for this moment.

It literally said,"The phrase is over!"

Do you know how embarrassing that is for your parents to plan out something for such a small thing?

Well my day officially just took an embarrassing turn.

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See you next time, sea creatures.

Author's Quickie;
Hope you enjoyed this chapter and want to continue reading. This chapter is dedicated to desespero for her votes she made earlier on. Thanks so much and hope you keep reading. What is your pet peeve? Leave a comment or vote below and have a peachy keen day!

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