Hanging out

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"Wake up Aphmau! It's 10:30 already!" Katelyn says walking in my room. I yawn and open my eyes. I stretch my arms behind my head.
"Good morning to you as well." I yawn. I crawl out of my bed and walk to my closet. I grab a white t-shirt, a light purple jacket, and jean shorts. I notice Katelyn left and closed my door. I smile softly and slip my pj's off and my white t-shirt, my light purple jacket, and my jean shorts on. I walk to my bathroom and take out the curlers that were put in my hair last night. I begin styling my hair in a mid ponytail.

I walk downstairs to see Katelyn and Kawai~Chan talking. "We can't push them Kawai~Chan. We have to let them do it on their own." Katelyn says to Kawai~Chan.
"But-" Kawai~Chan begins.
"No buts." Katelyn says with a soft glare. Kawai~Chan stops talking and nods.
"Kawai~Chan understand." Kawai~Chan says. The girls begin to talk normally about things.

Kawai~Chan has always been someone who likes to ship her friends with the one they have a crush on. I hope she can calm it down and stop shipping me with Aaron. Aaron is just my friend. I turn on the TV and notice that they both stopped talking. "Hello Aphmau-Senpai! How are you?" Kawai~Chan asks.
"I'm fine Kawai-Chan" I smile warmly. "How are you?" I ask her.
"Kawai~Chan is fine, thank you!" Kawai~Chan smiles. Katelyn walks into the kitchen and begins cooking some food while Kawai~Chan and I talk about what we want to do tomorrow. Kawai~Chan and I agreed on watching a TV series. I look at the time.
"I gotta go. See you later." I smile before walking to the door. I open the door and walk outside. I walk on the side walk to the cafe I'm gonna meet Aaron.

A few moments later:

I arrive at the cafe and look through the window and see Aaron waiting in a booth. I walk into the cafe and sit across from him. "You sure you're not tired?" I ask him. I see him look up quickly.
"You scared me!" Aaron says softly. I giggle.
"Sorry, I just wanted to see what you would do." I say calming down a bit.

Aaron and I just talk about everything and anything we can think of. It has been quite a while since I last talked with Aaron about anything. It feels nice to do it and just know I don't have to pretend anything. "Sorry about your wait, what would you like to order?" A females voice asks Aaron and I. I look up at her and smile softly.
"I would like a caramel frappuchino and a chocolate cupcake." I say. The waitress writes it down and then she looks at Aaron.
"I'll take an iced coffee." Aaron says with a silent yawn. The waitress writes it down.
"Your orders will be here shortly. Also are you both dating? You guys would make a cute couple." The waitress says with a small smile. I feel my face heat up a bit.

"We're just friends!" I say quickly.
"Sorry for assuming." The waitress says before walking away. I glance at Aaron.
"Still tired? I went to bed at 10, and I remember faintly that you were still texting me when I fell asleep." I say a little worried. "How much sleep did you get?"
"I got 3 hours of sleep. I couldn't sleep after a nightmare I had. I went to sleep at midnight and then woke up at 3." Aaron says.
"Do you wanna talk about it? You know I won't judge or force you to talk." I say softly. Aaron shakes his head. "I understand." I smile softly.

Aaron and I begin talking while we wait for our orders. I wonder why I always feel so comfortable around him and just know I can talk to him. But I'm not complaining it's just fun. "Here are your orders." The same waitress says putting a chocolate cupcake and a caramel frappuchino and puts a iced coffee in front of Aaron. "Enjoy." The waitress smiles.
"Thank you." I smile as I take a sip of my frappuchino. Aaron takes a sip of his iced coffee and I can tell he has woken up a bit more than he already was. The waitress seemed to have already walked away. I put my frappuchino back on the table and pick up my cupcake. I take a bit of my cupcake. "This is so good!" I smile.
"Don't let Kawai~Chan hear that or she'll try and beat it." Aaron says teasingly. I laugh along with him. We continue eating/drinking our food/drinks. The cupcake truely was good and so was the frappuchino. Aaron said he enjoyed his coffee and of course I believe him.

2 hours later:

Aaron and I are sitting in a park taking some pictures and just remembering moments from our past. We haven't had time to talk to each other and take pictures for a while. I missed doing this. I listen to Aaron talk when something comes to my mind. "Aaron. Do you like anyone? You've never mentioned liking anyone." I say looking Aaron dead in the eyes.

"I have liked someone for a long time, since high school." Aaron says looking at me. I look down at the ground and nod not wanting to try and think about who he likes. I see a familiar face walking towards me and Aaron. I then notice who it is.
"Melissa!" I stand up and go hug her.
"Hi Aphmau!" Melissa smiles. I let go of her. Melissa and I begin talking about things that we both have experienced. Melissa is Aaron's older sister, I just met her a few times with her in the cafe Aaron, Katelyn, Kawaii-Chan, Travis, and I all work at. Melissa and I sit down next to Aaron. "Hello little brother." Melissa gives her brother a small smile.
"Hello Melissa." Aaron says. We all begin talking, Aaron and I ask about how Melissa has been and she asks how we've been.

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