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Once the day was over, we were all dismissed into our rooms. I sat in my bed in grey joggers and a black t-shirt.

"Charlie" I said, "you know you can tell me anything right?"

He looks at me confused but nods.

"Yeah I know," He pauses, "Why?"

"Just letting you know," I smile.

We both sit there on our phones for a bit. I scroll through Instagram and see Wilhelm has been posting. I press onto his private account. He posts more on his private account because his main account is for more prince duties. He posted a photo one minute ago of him and Felise. I guess hes with Felise then. I sit up suddenly and look at Charlie.

"Charlie, I'm sorry if this offends you in any way but it's been on my mind all day,"  I pause and rub my neck, "Why was you in the bathroom so long?"

He sits there silently, just looking at me. 

"Its okay, if you don't want to tell me anything. I was just wondering." I smile.

"Oh, I just struggled getting the clothes on" Charlie chuckles. I nod.

"Okay, well I'm going to go to sleep now. Don't stay up to late." I smile and roll over. 

We both say goodnight and I fall asleep.



I don't know why I didn't tell Simon. I trust him with anything, even though we have only known each other for 2 weeks. He just comforts me in a weird way, like in a brotherly way. I know i can tell him anything but I don't know why I didn't. 

I look at the time, 11:30pm. I sigh and put my phone on charge. 

I roll over to face the wall and fall asleep.


author's note:

hey guys! im back from my break. thankyou to everyone for the support, and feel free to vote if you like the chapters so i can make more!! also the updates will be randomised so i cant give u a exact day or time when a new chapter will be out <33

quick side note ; did u see the trailer for young royals season 3. bro i screamed, it got me jumping all over my room

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