02: A Popstar's Lament

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I made up these lyrics. I know, they're bad.  :'(  

"You wanna hold me, but first you're gonna have to catch up

I ain't stoppin', no, not for anyone.

But you'll see me in your dreams...

Through the pain and the screams...

Run, run, run, you'll never find me.

The thought of doing so is fuckin' unlikely.

But hold up right there you aint' getting past me,

Flying through colors that never appeal, see,


I sang, belting my heart out as my fans screeched approval below, holding up signs and cheering. I simply sang.

And when I was done, there was a standing ovation. I smirked, bowing all unapologetic.

I trotted over to Vortex. 

"Had to be my best performance yet!" I said. 

Vortex smiled. "There were a few tweaks..." 

I thumped him over the head with my bag. "Shaddup." I teased.

He laughed, then stepped to the side. "Oh, I forgot! I never properly introduced you two-"

A lava lamp looking hellhound stepped out of the darkness. Beelzebub.

He wrapped his arms around his girlfriend. "Verosika, this is Bee!" 

"Hi! You can call me Queen Bee, hon!" she shook my hand rapidly, her little wings buzzing.

"Hey." I said, gently detaching my hand from hers.

"A bad bitch." she smirked, throwing up her hands, "Alright, you win, girl. I respect that." 

I smiled back. She seemed decent. 

"How bout' we talk a little! Get ta know each other, eh?" 

Vortex and me agreed.

She said that she was the queen of gluttony ("but you already know that!"), hosted parties every other week ("You're welcome to come, V."), and had this weird thing with Satan ("Like, it's like he's my brother, but... hot..."). 

After a while, we were all familiar with each other. 

But once I mentioned Blitzo, she stopped and looked at Vortex. "Well, you see, darling. You know the little friend you were talking about? The clown one?"

I nodded, a little off guard.

"Weeeell, we saw him a couple days ago getting walked home by-"

"Nope. I am not hearing the rest of that sentence." I interjected.

"You sure you're okay? You're aura is a liiiitle bit fucked."

I laughed. "Fuck off." 

I sashayed over to my dressing room, plopping down on the soft leather couch while sipping on my drink. 

I massaged the worry and anger and betrayal from my face.

I clicked on my phone, and the front page of Sinstagram hit me in the face. I sighed, checking my homepage before the inevitable comment oversee. 

Makeup tutorials. People impersonating me who think they're top shit. Blitzo. 

Wait, WHAT. 

I scrolled back, landing on a recent post. It was him and a hellhound. His daughter, Loona. 

No, I didnt' stalk him. His posts always appeared in my suggestions because I'd subscribed to him before. For some reason I couldn't bear getting rid of the contacts. 

What fucking ever. Fuck him. 

I scrolled over to the comments. And was met with a tidal wave. I wrapped my arms around my midsection, propping myself up.

Wisterial_Face: Great show, V!

AxeKiller: That last song was... SHIT! OMG! I LOVED IT SO MUCH!!  :)

*GenocideAllDay*: Eh. Could be better. 

Oceanic666: FUCK YEAH, honestly, she's for three year olds. My little cousin LOVES her, and ShIt, I cannot take it anymore!

Jaded&Lizard: For real!!! Her impersonations are better than her!

Jekyll and Glide: She should just get a fucking life. Or die.

I threw my phone into the wall as soon as the tears began to come. I rubbed my hands over my face. 

There were the people that were fans

And then there were the

people who were

assholes, and

hated you

like you



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