03: Murder Plot

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I didn't hear from Fizzarolli for the rest of that week. And I didn't want to. 

My weekends and weekdays were packed with shows, and I had no time for meddling with friendships. 

I flared my wings, open and closed. I threw constant darts at the dartboard with Fizzarolli and Blitzo's faces pinned to it. 

Those shitfaces would pay. I just hadn't decided how yet. 

Over the past couple days, holes and punchmarks had appeared on my walls, caused from frequent overtakes of rage. 

I yearned for blood. I yearned for VENEGANCE. 

The dart landed on a 1. I kicked the floor. Or, a box. 

I blinked slowly. And, oh shit, it looked so damn pathetic on my floor. Because I knew what exactly that box was.

I picked up the note on the side of it. 


If you should find this in your hands, then Ozzie bought me! I hope I'll be happier than ever there. (STOP SENDING SHIP ART TO MY DOORSTEP, ASSHOLE) I just wanted you to know that I would never have made it through this without you. This is a memory box of every single picture we drew, letter we sent, and photo we took. I hope we stay friends, and KILL BLITZO!!  :)))

- Fizz

I could never bring myself to open it. I wanted to save it for a time when I was spiraling from the comments, but even then I couldn't see what was inside. 

I would have opened it, would have torn the contents to shreds had I not had the idea. 

"I hope we stay friends and KILL BLITZO!!" 

The words resonated back and forth in my head. Kill Blitzo. Kill Blitzo. Kill him. Venegance. Bloodlust.

That's it. I would kill them. Kill them both. 

Now all I needed was a knife and a coverup story. Oh, and a location. Can't be trotting around Hell without a destination.

Those bitches won't know what hit them.

But I will.


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