07: Incrypted Blood

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"I swear, touch one inch of my darling Blitzy and I will-" the goetia started.

Blitzo stepped in front of him. "Nope. You're not getting hurt again, Stolz." he loaded his gun. 

Possum nodded at me. "Verosika." 

I glared at him. "Possum." 

He looked confused, while his wife looked like she was going to rip off my head and eat it.

"The fuck are we standing around for?!" hellhound started. I think her name was Moona or something, "Just kill her!"

Possum raised a finger. "She's surrounded. She knows that. She has a knife. We need answers first-" 

"Attack!!" Blitzo screeched, firing his sniper. 

Shit. I was not prepared for this. I unsheathed my knife, using the angelic properties of it to block and dodge the bullets. 

I dodged and dodged, occasionally taking swipes and scratches.

A bruise from Moona's chain thing.

A bullet from Possum.

Knife swipe by Femme Possum.

Another gunshot courtesy of Blitzo. 

I laughed manically. "You don't understand..." I slipped underneath an attack, "I've been working on this for a fucking MONTH." I took a jab from Femme, but kept walking intimidatingly towards Blitzo. "To kill Fizzarolli. To kill you." The last note dripped with unconcealed venom.

"Verosika, we both know what happened that day. Maybe we can talk it out-" 

"NO." I slashed the knife, "NO. NO. NO NO. NONONONONONONONONONOOOOAAAAAAGGHHHHH!!!!" The knife swiped faster, more deadly. 


"I didn't mean to betray you!" 

I paused.


"You're still one of my closest friends, Verosika," My heart melted a little.  "Just, please! Put down the knife!" 

My hand tightened its grip. "YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND WHAT HAPPENED TO ME!!"

Ooh, cliffhanger.  >:).  Next chapter is the backstory. HEHEHE CLIFFHANGER!

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