The Hotel

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(Y/N's Pov) I woke up in a dark alleyway, no clue on where I am. Last thing I remember I was running away from the police.. Oh yeah.. that's right.


I needed money to survive, how else would I do it? Yes, I stole some food. Only some chips... And some fruits and vegetables. Normal stuff you need? Right? And some Alcohol. After I got the stuff, I ran out the door and an alarm went off. (A/N I don't know how it works lol) "oh shit" I ran as fast as I can, but I already heard the police sirens. I knew I would get caught, but I tried anyway. "Get back here!" A police man shouted, but I ignored and kept running. I ran into the closest building, a bar. I stood in the middle of the crowd, and when the police came in and looked around, I ran out only to feel a sharp pain in my head. I've been shot. I fall to the ground, I can feel blood flowing out of my head. Everything around me slowly goes black until I can't feel anything. I'm dead.

"Now I remember..." I say out loud and begin to stand up. I look around and head out of the Alleyway. "Stupid... I did ONE crime! And I still end up here in hell." I always believed hell and heaven, I imagined hell to be surrounded by fire and screams everywhere. But it'd actually pretty decent. I step outside the alleyway and notice the red sky.

"HOLY FUCK!?" I look into a random mirror on the wall of a building and I have F/C hair and with some shades of black, F/C wolf ears at the top of my head and I also notice I have a two foot long fluffy wolf tail that's F/C, and sharp claws that are mostly black but some parts are F/C. Well, I did always wander out into a forest in my life and bring some meat for this wolf pack.

I pass several buildings, there's even a Porn Studio. A lot of the people- demons here aren't so friendly looking.. some are even dragging headless corpses around followed with a trail of blood and a lot of stab wounds. (A/N sorry I got into a little detail) Some glaring at me while the others mind their own business.

I eventually reach a place called the Hazbin Hotel. I decide not to knock but to just go in. The first thing I see is a bar. "Don't mind if I do!" I say grinning. I walk over and I'm about to get some whiskey and vodka when a cat demon returns, sipping some Cheap Booze. "Hi! My name is Y/N and I just got here in hell and hello!" You say quickly. The cat demon mumbles something, and turns to the beer and alcohol. "Can I get some whiskey?" I ask, he gets a cup and pours me a glass. I happily take it and say "Thanks!" He says "your welcome" I look down, and I get a little bored and my tail starts swaying back and fourth. "What's your name?" I say, trying to lighten up the mood. "Husk." He says. "Cool! My name is Y/N! oh yeah I already said that.. heh." My ears flatten against my head, and Husk glances at me and my ears perk back up.
           I take a sip of whisky, and my ears perk up higher. "What?" Husk said. "This is so good! Can I have more?" Husk smirks. "Sure." I keep drinking, and eventually I'm drunk and giggling like a little kid. "More!" I demand, and husk looks at me with a little concern. "Y/N, you've already had six glasses and already drunk. I don't think you should have anymore." "Pleaseeee husky?" I say, giggling at the nickname.

Eventually I'm passed out, and Charlie returned. "Uhh... What happened here?" She asked. "Oh yeah. She just wandered in the hotel and started drinking, her name is Y/N." Husk said. The two got me on the couch to lay down. When I woke up, I rubbed my head. "Uh... What happened?" Charlie looks over at me "So I guess you just came in here, got drunk, and passed out." Charlie said. "Oh.." my ears flattened against my head. "So this is the Hazbin Hotel, I'm Charlie and this is my Hotel. If you want you can stay here as a resident. We have another named Angel Dust. The host is the Radio Demon, Alastor. My girlfriend Vaggie helps me run it and we have a 24/7 cleaner here named Nifty. (Sir Pentious isn't gonna be in this story, sorry!) And you already met the Bartender, Husk." I look at everyone as they enter the room and my ears go down at everyone staring at me. "H-hi..." Alastor is the first to respond "Hello my dear! Quite a pleasure to be meeting you!" He says as he shakes my hand with his wide grin (sorry for the bad character impressions lol) "good to be meeting you too, Alastor.." I say, not really comfortable with the sudden contact.

"Sure, I'll join I guess." I get up.And look around. "So... Can I have a room?" I ask. "Yeah! I'm sure Alastor will show you to your room! Right, Al?" Charlie asked Alastor. Alastor tapped his chin. "Hmm... Since Husker was the first to see Y/N, I think he should be the one to show her to her room!" Alastor turned to Husker. "What do you say, Husker?" Husk rolled his eyes, a groan leaving his mouth with a mumble. "Don't call me Husker. And sure." He walked over to me and began leading me to a room. We heard Alastor say "Splendid!" But Husk ignored him. I took a few quicker steps to get beside Husk. "So... A nickname Alastor gave you you is Husker?" I asked. "Don't mention it." He said. "Aww, but I like it! Well, I guess I can call you Husky, only if you want, that is." Husk looked away and said "No". "Alright, Husk it is!" We eventually reached my room and I looked around, and when I turned back to the door Husk had already left.

     I got settled, and flopped onto my bed and decoded to take a nap.

            Words: 1074
A/N: I'm so excited about writing this! It's my first book and I'm just excited! I'm scared it's not gonna get a lot  of views though. I wrote this chapter on
Tuesday, February 6 2024. Should I continue it?


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