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A little while after we sit there, we get more comfortable and Husk ends up laying down on the couch, I'm at the end of it and he's laying his head down in my lap and we're both still just relaxing, later on Alastor walks in, another unreadable expression on his face as he watched us. Later on everyone is in the lobby, everyone glances at us one or eight times. Husk seems to not care, so I don't either. I pull out my phone (I stole) and start scrolling though social medias.

I take a quick picture of Husk on my lap and make it my background. Soon, I glance at Husk and notice he fell asleep. I smile and gently touch his fur. I see Alastor watching and when he noticed that I notice him he looks away. Charlie walks over to us. When she sees what we're doing she says "Uhh.. I'll just leave you too.." she said before walking away. I shrug and softly run my fingers through Husk's fur. Alastor calls for me, he probably needs help with cooking. I gently lift Husk's head off of my lap and place a pillow under it.

      I walk into the kitchen, and Alastor does in fact need help with cooking. I'm Mostly grabbing the ingredients. I happily help him and when we're done, he calls everyone for dinner. I smile as Alastor dismisses me and I head back over to the couch, but Husk isn't there. I walk to the bar and he's there. "Husk? How did you get here so fast you were sound asleep when I got up." Husk yawns sleepily and rubs his eye. "I noticed how my head wasn't in your lap anymore. The pillow wasn't as warm or soft." My ears perk down. "Oh, I'm sorry. its just that Al needed help with the cooking and-" before I can finish my sentence, Alastor calls us to come eat. Husk and I both say "Coming!" And we hear Angel Dust yell back "Kinky!" I burst out laughing and Husk rolls his eyes as we continue going to the table.

Husk's tail accidentally brushes against my leg, and my tail brushes against his. We don't think of it much, and we arrive. For dinner it's venison again and this time it's really good. My eyes light up with delight. "Alastor what did you put in this? It's so good!" Alastor smirks and continues eating. "Just a recipe my mother taught me" I take another bite. "Your mom is a really good cook!" I laugh and continue eating, I don't really pay attention how everyone else is being quiet. "I'm gonna head to a club again later if anyone wants to join." Husk nudges me a little. "I think you should take a break from that. I  knowing drinks lot, but you drink at least four bottles of whatever the hell what." I whine and turn to Husk, my ears flattening down. "Fineee. I'll go anyway" I grin As Husk sighs and eventually everyone leaves. I go find Alastor and thank him again for the food.

     When I'm done with that I decide to go to my room. I see Alastor walking out, and I decide to see what he's doing. I run past the bar, saying hi to Husk as well. I catch up to Alastor and gently tug on his sleeve. "Hey Alastor.." he responds with "Yes dear?" I let go of his sleeve and walk beside him. "What are you doing?" He continues walking. "Nothing important." My ears perk down down as I continue walking. "Oh." I looks up and sniff the air. "I think we're being watched." Alastor seems to notice it to. He tells me "go back to the hotel". I nod and head back.
Once I'm back I stop by the bar and say hi to Husk.

Hi Husky!" I giggle at the nickname and he looks at me seriously and says, "don't ever call me that again." I respond with "okay Husky" I grin, seeing his annoyance. Husk walks over to me and puts me in a chokehold. He lifts me off of the ground then I loose balance and it causes us to fall and I land on top of him. I gasp in surprise as I land on top of him, our noses touching. I notice his cheeks turn red, and mine do from embarrassed. I get up and offer him my hand to help him up. I stop blushing and I sit on one of the barstools. "Um.. can I have some tequila?" He nods and while he gets me the glass I ask, "did you hear the new song Angel Dust sang? Poison?" He nods. I take a drink of the Tequila and I like it. "This is really good!" "I heard Poison, It's a good song in my opinion." Husk said while I smile.

"Me too! Do you wanna watch a movie with me after this?" I look at him hopefully. "Sure, why not." "Yay!'' I say. "I'm gonna get the popcorn! You can pick the movie!" By the time I finish the sentence I'm already halfway to the kitchen. I see Husk walking toward my room. I grab the popcorn bag thing and throw it in the microwave. I pres he buttons, and watch as it pops. Once it's done, I grab it and bolt toward my room, overly excited. Right before I enter my room, the power goes out.

I loose track of where I am. I call out, "Husk..?" I don't know why I'm scared, I just feel like someone unfriendly is in the hotel with us. A shiver runs down my spine. I look around, trying to find a light switch. I find one and flick it on, but nothing happens. I take a few steps forward. Well of course I forgot where my room is. I say to myself. In a shaky voice, I call out again."Husk..? Charlie? Alastor..?" No response. I get nervous. "Please respond someone..." I mumble. I wonder why I'm so scared, but I just know somethings wrong. I notice all the doors have shut. I try to find my way to the bar, but I decide not to. I hear something, it sounds like footsteps. My ears perk up, trying to figure out if they're getting closer or further. The footsteps are getting closer.

Words: 1071. Wrote on February 11, 2024

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