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I wake up to the sound of breaking glass, and a gunshot. I hear Nifty scream, and static. I immediately run out of my room and toward the lobby where I heard the sound. My eyes widen as Husk is laying on the ground with a small pool of blood underneath him. He's breathing heavily, and clutching at his arm were the bullet is. I hear Charlie telling people to run, but I can't move. I stare at Husk, then I run over to him and kneel beside him. "Go. Don't worry about me I'll be fine!" I look at him in shock. "I can't just leave you here!" I manage to pick him up, but I struggle a little. I see Nifty trying to pick up the broken glass and I'm about to stop her when Alastor gets her. I run to the bar and grab a bottle of alcohol, I don't care what it is but then I go to the bathroom.

I lay Husk down, I feel tears streaming down to my cheeks as I search for a med kit. I eventually find one and open it. "Husk..? How do I do this..?" He looks at me. "How the hell am I supposed to know! And why do you have a bottle of alcohol?" I look at him. "In case the shooter breaks in, I'll smash it on their head." I grin. "Anyways, go get Charlie! She'll probably know how to do this." I nod and run out. I find charlie in her office with Vaggie. I grab Charlie's hand and drag her to the bathroom and point to Husk. "Fix him!" I practically yell into her ear, and she quickly begins to remove the bullet and bandage him up. I sit right beside Husk, letting him hold my hand. I see Charlie getting the cleaning alcohol disinfectant stuff or whatever and I know it's probably the worst part since it stings, and I already know how hard Husk is gonna squeeze my hand. I see the nervous look on his face and then he looks at me, still nervous and I give him a reassuring smile. Once charlie applies the disinfectant stuff, he squeezes my hand and my ears twitch to how hard he's squeezing. After that's done, I release the breath I realize I've been holding and so does Husk.

After Charlie bandages his arm and leaves, I don't give him time to get up so I hug him and end up straddling his hips. Then I look at him "y/n.. why did you-" I interrupt him. "DON'T YOU EVER DO THAT AGAIN YOU SCARED ME SO MUCH!" He flinches at my sudden outburst. I get up, and tears are still streaming down my face as I leave the bathroom. Husk gets up shortly after and follows me. I hug him again, and we just stay like that for a few moments. I look at Husk.

"At least say thank you to Charlie, it's polite." Husk chuckles and says, "you're talking about being polite when you screamed in my face a few seconds ago?" I let out a growl, which I didn't know I could do. "Well that doesn't count! And I didn't scream, I yelled!" Husk raises an eyebrow. "What's the difference?" I grin. "Well screaming is more high pitched, and yelling is just speaking really loudly."

Husk chuckles, and is about to walk away when he noticed me following. "y/n? Why are you following me?" I smirk. "I can't trust you on your own! I'm your bodyguard now!" I pull a knife out of my pocket which makes Husk look at me in question. "Since when did you have a knife?" I tap my chin I thought. "I dunno, I just got it." I say as I twirl the knife around my fingers. Husk managed to get away while I was distracted, I start sprinting to looks for him. "HUSK WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU? okay I give up being your bodyguard." He comes from around a corner I passed. "That's all it took? You give up easily" he said and chuckled. I growl again.

After that I find out that it wasn't a break in, but someone shot the window and it broke, but Husk was there and he was the only one who got injured. I growl again in frustration as I go to investigate. I go to Husk and ask "Did you see who had the gun?" He shakes his head no. I nod and I'm about to head out of the door when Charlie stops me. "What if the shooter is still out there, waiting for one of us to come out?" I shrug. "At least Husk wouldn't be the only one in pain" I say as I walk out.

I look around,  I don't see anybody near but I see some blood on the road. As I go check it out I see a car speeding away. On the road, Felix is on the road, her leg bone crushed and she has other wounds that are bleeding. My eyes wide at the sight, and I carefully lift her up and carry her back to the hotel, tears streaming down my face. The second I walk in, I hear everyone gasp and they rush over "What happened?" Husk asked, and I say "a car.." Charlie puts her hand on my shoulder "Y/n... I'm so sorry.." I don't respond. Felix died the moment I got to her and I could've been quicker. We decide to bury her in the front of the hotel. I dig the hole and place her in gently, then I bury her and I huh Husk while crying more. "I miss her.."

Later on I take a shower and try to clear my head. Once I'm done I put more comfortable clothes on and head to the bar to see Husk. Once I get there, he turns his attention toward me and comfortingly rubs my back. "Hey... Are you okay?" I lean into his shoulder and reply, "A little..." I mumble. He sits down and I sit down at the barstool next to him. He gets me some whiskey. I smile and say "thank you". He nods and we start drinking, I don't feel like getting drunk so I put the bottle down. I sigh and I'm about to get up when Husk grabs my hand. "If you need anything let me know." I smile and head toward the couch. "Could you possibly sit with me?" He nods and we head toward the couch. A little while later we get a bit more comfortable.

Words: 1113

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