|O N E| the story

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I guess you could say that I'm just a cliche homosexual that falls for everyone. But, I'm not that stupid. So now, I don't give a flying fuck if you want my back story or not, because I'm gonna give it to you. Just saying, this may take forever because I'm going to start from the day I was born. Okay, my name is Michael Gordon Clifford, I was born November 20, 1998. I have no blood siblings so I guess you could say I'm the lucky one. Once I turned six, all of my friends were saying how cute this girl named Adrian Wilson was but, I didn't see it. I told my mum and she told me that maybe it was because, I didn't have feelings for her and it was okay. When I turned twelve, my mum passed away and I had to live with my dad and his two kids. My parents got a divorce and he soon got married to an English girl and had two children; Sammy and Ashlee. My dad is homophobic and that's why he hates me now. How'd he find out you ask? My grandma told him that I had sexuality problems. He tried to beat it out of me. He said that I had a disease. When I turned fifteen, I attempted to run away. I don't even respect him any more, I know it's bad. But he's a dick.

Now that I'm sixteen, he's trying to send me to this anti gay camp in London. He doesn't want me near his kids. I don't want to be near the little fuckers either. So, Adrian Wilson is now my best friend, she's my only supporter really. She started talking to me the last day of ninth grade. She told me she liked my bright red hair. She was one of those girls who didn't fit in. But, she found a way into my group of one.

"Michael!" Dad roared from downstairs "Get your ass down here now!"

And here I am hiding in my closet like a fucking coward. He's going to find me sooner or later. I soon heard footsteps coming up the stairs towards my room. I clutched my pikachu stuffed animal tightly in my bruised hands.

"MICHAEL!!" Dad repeated smashing through my bedroom door "I know you're in here Mikey."

"Don't call me that! You have no right to call me that, you don't love me. You're just a homophobic asshole who doesn't care about anyone but himself!" I yelled jumping out of my closet as he punched me straight in the face

"You have a disease son." He stated simply

"I do not have a disease! I'm sorry that I don't like vagina!" I yelled again causing him to punch my stomach

"You do not yell at me, you little fagot!" He yelled kicking me in the shin causing me to fall to the floor and I hit my shoulder on my shelf on the way down "That's why I'm sending you to the anti gay camp in London." He said shoving a pamphlet in my face. "I really wish I could treat you like a real boy." He laughed kicking my stomach

"You can!" I cried

"All thanks to my little Sammy." He laughed ignoring my cry "Now, come down for dinner then check your E-mail to see if you've been accepted."

I got up carefully. I really don't want to strain my stomach but, who gives a fuck about me anyway, right?

"Okay." I mumbled walking out of my room before I was stopped by Sammy

"I'm sorry Mikey." Sammy said sadly "But, be happy that he believed me about the camp."

"What do you mean?" I questioned

"Ask Adrian." Sammy stated walking out of my room

I still hate him.


Well hello there everyone. I decided to make a pamphlet for the 'anti gay' camp and that is in the media section sooooo ya. Toodles


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