|E L E V E N| the lockdown prt 2

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I can't believe Ashton did that.  He said he would protect me.  But, I guess not.

"Everyone, to your dorms. We are on lockdown!" Someone yelled

I can't go back there...

"Hey, come here." A voice from the bushes whispered

"Who the hell are you?" I questioned, scared out of my mind.

"You think you're so innocent."  The voice whispered in my ear.

"Help!" I screamed

"Don't be scared Michael." The voice laughed

"How the fuck do you know my name?!" I yelled

"I've always known you Michael and little did I know, this isn't an anti-gay camp!" He yelled

"Dad?" I questioned

"You guessed it!" Dad laughed

"Luke!" I screamed "help, my dad's here!"

"Is Luke your new boyfriend?" Dad growled

"No, he's just my friend." I stated

"Michael!" Luke cried "Where are you!"

I heard running footsteps and leaves rustling get louder as he got closer.

"Mikey, come here." Luke said, holding his arms out.

"He's not going anywhere." Dad growled

"Yes, he is. I'm the only supporter he has left.  Ash broke him, his mum died, he doesn't talk to Cal." Luke cried "and, I love him."

"Y-you love me?" I stuttered, getting up from where I was sitting in the grass.

"Yes Mikey, I do." Luke smiled "Let's go."

"I thought I told you to get back to your dorm!" A man yelled, wearing all black with a vest that read 'swat'

"I heard him scream so I had to come find him." Luke explained "and his abusive dad is right there."

"What has he done to you son?" The man asked me.  I lifted my shirt, revealing a bruised rib, bruised pelvis, bruises on my chest and arms. "Is this true sir?!"

"No." Dad lied

"Look me in the eyes and tell me you didn't do that to your son!" He yelled

"I- I can't." Dad sighed, defeated.

"You have the right to remain silent, anything you say or do can be used against you in the court of law."

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