|T W O| the role model

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"Hey mum!" I said happily, walking into the kitchen that smelled of smoked deer steak

"Hello Ash." She stated putting the steak on the foam plates "are you ready to go to camp in a few days?"

"Yeah, well no, I still haven't packed." I laughed, helping mum take all the two liter bottles of soda outside for our party for Harry

My mum is happy for me, I guess. She shows that she's happy. But, deep down, I know that she wants me to meet the perfect girl one day. But, I want to meet the perfect boy. One that I can care about, protect, cuddle with, and most of all have serious conversations with.

"Hey hun." Mum stated walking through the patio doors

"Yes mum?" I asked

"Will you go pick up Harry from school?" Mum questioned

"Yep, sure thing." I said happily as got up and walked through the house to the front door "love you mum!"

I walked out the door to my car that sat in the drive way all alone. I was soon on the way to Harry's school which was one hour away.

:skip car ride:

"Hey Harry!" I said happily as he jumped into the car

"Hi Ash." Harry stated sadly

"What's wrong buddy?" I questioned "It's your birthday, you're supposed to be happy."

"I was telling people about my role model and people were making jokes about him because he's gay." Harry said

"Who's your role model?" I asked curiously

"You." Harry stated, making me want to cry tears of joy

"Really?" I questioned happily

"Yes Ash, I love you a lot. You are my role model." Harry said happily as we pulled into the driveway "And I'm going to miss you a lot when you go away to that camp."

"I won't be gone that long." I stated

"Almost three months is a long time for me Ash" Harry whined

"I'm leaving on the eighteenth of May so, you still have about a week left to spend with me." I said grabbing all of his crap and walked into the house

"Happy Birthday Harry!" Mum yelled causing Harry to jump

"Thanks mum, thanks Ash." Harry stated sadly

"What's wrong Harry?" Mum questioned

"My friends were making jokes about my role model because he's gay." Harry said looking at me

"Just don't listen to them and have a fun time tonight." Mum stated joyfully

"Okay." Harry said grabbing a piece of deer steaks and shoving it into his mouth

"Calm down buddy!" I laughed

"Sorry." Harry stated drinking his water that he had from school

"Ash, can you go start packing." Mum demanded

"Okay mum." I said walking down the hallway to my bedroom

So, now that we got all of that over with, I'm going to give you my back story. Okay, my name is Ashton Fletcher Irwin and I was born July 7, 1997. I have two siblings; Lauren and Harry. Lauren lives with my dad in Melbourne while Harry lives with us in Hornsby. My dad didn't like the fact that I was gay so he moved away, with Lauren. My mum is going to let me be happy with whoever I want but, deep down she wants me with a girl. I figured out that I was gay at the age of 15 when started sports and we had to change in the locker rooms. This one boy named Louis was changing and I couldn't stop looking at him until he slapped me across the face. So when I turned sixteen, I dropped out of sports because they were making fun of me. Now that I'm seventeen, I decided to drop out of school all together because the acts of getting made fun of turned into brutal beatings in the Commons while no one is watching. One boy came to save me though, his name was Harry Styles. He soon became my first boyfriend until, his dad found out of course. We only dated for about a month. Now, I'm a lonely son of a bitch. That is going to a homosexual camp. But, still a lonely son of a bitch that my brother calls squishy.... don't ask, please don't ask. Well let's just say, he watches Finding Nemo too much.

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