|T W E L V E|the day on the town

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"Mikey wake up, it's time to go into town." I whispered, gently shaking him.

"Hmmm." Michael tiredly moaned

"Get dressed and let's go." I said happily

He got up and walked to the bathroom. It didn't take long, he came back wearing his combat boots, black skinnies, and Metallica muscle tee. Let me just say, he be lookin' fine.
His thighs would look so good on each side of my hips....not that I want that or anything.

"Ready Mike?" I questioned

"Yeah." Michael yawned, while we walked outside to go meet up with Morgan.

"Where do you wanna go today?" I asked, we walked into Morgan's office to see her yelling at someone on the phone.

"Is she okay?" Michael whispered questioningly, looking up at me. I cannot believe I'm older than him.

"Oh hey sorry, are you guys ready?" Morgan questioned, getting up from her desk.

"Yeah, we are." Michael answered quietly, nodding his head slightly.

We ended up going into Hot Topic. Mikey bought hair dye, more ear rings, and another eye brow ring. I just bought another lip ring. He tried telling me that I should dye my hair black so we could match.... it'd be cute, right?

"Please!" Michael begged

"Fine, I'll do it." I groaned

"Yay!" He cheered

"Call me when y'all are ready to come back." Morgan stated

"K." I quickly replied

"You know what my life goals are Luke?" Michael asked

"What are they Mikey." I said

"If I ever become famous, I want to play in every arena and stadium. So, I can honestly say, 'I made it'. " Michael smiled

"I want to hear you sing when we get back." I said joyfully

"Uh no." Michael mumbled

"If I dye my hair, you sing. It's a deal." I stated

"Whatever." Michael grumbled


"Ready?" Michael questioned, we were sat in the middle of main room in the cabin, just casually colouring my hair.

"Yeah, I guess." I said, he began rubbing and pulling my hair to get the dye to cover anything. Let's just say, I liked it.

"What's going on?" Calum questioned, while walking through the door while Ashton shut it behind them.

"We're dying my hair. Because, if I dye my hair, Mikey will sing for me." I cheered, Michael roughly tugged my hair.

"Don't move, if I get it on your face or your neck it will be hard to get off." Michael explained

"Pssh, whatever!" I laughed, he ran to Ashton and drew a line of hair dye connecting his eyebrows.

"Done, now wait an hour to go wash it out and have fun getting that off Asston." Michael giggled cutely

After two hours of waiting on out hair. We went to the bathroom to rinse our hair. I looked in the mirror to see our matching hair.

"Now sing!" I cheered

"O-okay." Michael stuttered

We walked out to the living room to join Ash and Cal. Mikey was looking through his phone to sing.

"I wrote one on here." Michael explained shyly "it's called Photograph."

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