|S E V E N| the first challenge

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We walked into the mess hall for breakfast and today's boring announcements. The good thing was that breakfast was pizza! I was still in my onesie and people were laughing.

"Michael, people are laughing at you." Ashton whispered in my ear

"They can Fuck off." I stated, continuing my swag walk

"Good morning boys and girls. Today, first we are going to be doing the Fear Conquering Challenge." Morgan announced "Then, we will do the balance challenge. Lastly, we will have a refreshing swim in the lake."

"I saw the schedule in our cabin today. We start in 30 minutes." Calum explained

"The schedules have been posted in your dorms." Morgan stated "And tonight, we must meet in the theatre for music. I will explain more later."

"Let's go. I still need to change." I said, getting ready to walk away

"I'll come, I need to get dressed too." Ashton smiled, catching up to me and grabbed my hand.

We walked to our cabin in complete silence. When we got inside, we let loose on each other. It's like, we haven't kissed anyone in years. My hands found their way to his hair, I pulled gently, causing a moan to escape his mouth. He pushed me against the wall, he began to kiss down my neck and bit it gently. He started to unzip my onesie, he pulled it off of me. I was pressed up against a wall, wearing nothing but Batman boxers. One of his hands began to pull my hair and I moaned loud enough for the outside to hear. Why do I get turned on so easily? His free hand found it's way into my boxers, he began to run his finger up and down my length. I moaned louder this time, I bet Australia heard me.

"Your moan is so hot Mikey." Ashton smiled, he lead me to the bathroom to continue. He locked the door behind us and got down on his knees and took as much of my length into his mouth as possible.

"Ash!" I moaned, causing him to look up at me so innocently. He stood up and kissed me again. I tried to wrap my arms around his neck. But, he grabbed my wrists and pinned them above my head. He continued to kiss me until...

"Mikey, Ash?" Calum questioned

"We're in here!" Ashton yelled as I got my hair wet in the sink to make it look like I took a shower.

"Why are you guys in here?" Calum asked, knocking on the door

"He wanted to talk to me while I was in the shower." I lied, unlocking the door to go get clothes out of my suitcase

"Well, hurry and get dressed. We have to be out Burger challenge arena in 5 minutes." Calum explained, I pulled my 'IDIOT' shirt over my head and my black skinny jeans up my legs.

"Here's your shoes Mike." Ashton said, throwing my black converse high tops at me

"Thanks Ash." I mumbled, putting my shoes on my feet

We walked out to the arena to see platforms suspended 50-100 meters in the air. Tubs full of snakes and spiders. Lastly, there were fireworks. I hate fire so, I'm not doing that fireworks shit. If I'm being honest with myself, I'm deathly afraid of heights.

"Cal, I can't." I stated shakily, I pointed to the high platforms

"you're going to be in harnesses." Calum smiled

"Whoever wants to conquer your fear of heights, come on up to this area!" Natasha yelled, I walked up to the area where we get harnessed up and I saw that Luke had a fear of heights also. He was shaking like a dog on the fourth of July.

"Luke!" I yelled, he looked over at me, I gave him the thumbs up and gestured for him to come over to me. He asked one of the guys that harnessed him up and Luke made his way over to me.

"Yes pikachu." Luke smiled, trying to take his mind off of what was about to happen.

"Here." I said, holding my hand out for him to hold.

"What will Ash think?" Luke asked

"He's doing the snake challenge." I said, he gladly grabbed my hand right before we were shot up into the air. We were probably 20 meters up so far. At each platform, there was someone there to manage your ropes. Our happend to be a skinny blonde boy who oddly looked like Niall Horan.

"On the first level, you and your partner must go across the monkey bars, untie a bag of puzzle pieces, and clip it to your harness. Once one of you get across, the other partner must go back across the bars and grab another bag. You must trade off each time." Natasha explained, the boy grabbed hold of our ropes and pulled us to the large platform.

"I'll go first Luke." I said, grabbing the first bar.

"Are you ready?" The boy asked, looking at me.

Fuck, it's Niall Horan.

"Y-yeah." I stuttered

"Okay, go." Niall said, I started going across the bars until I untied a bag and decided to look down. My palms began to get sweaty and I started to get dizzy. I continued down the bars until I got to the second platform. Luke began to come across, he grabbed a bag and brought it to me. I put the pieces on the board and went back across to get more pieces.

We got done with the challenge fast because, people threw up. So, now we get a break to eat lunch and then we get to do the balance challenge... joy. Lunch was cheese ravioli, it looked inedible to be honest. But, I ate it cause I was hungry! But then again, I'm always hungry.

When we were done eating lunch, we had to go out into the middle of the lake where there were ten 50 foot tall posts sticking out of the water that we had to balance on.


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