History Lesson

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Hundred of years ago, in the faraway lands of the Land of Lightning, was the village of Kazan

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Hundred of years ago, in the faraway lands of the Land of Lightning, was the village of Kazan. Kazan was a small village positioned in the high mountains of Hisaobi. Hisaobi was a harsh terrain and many had seen their demise from traveling. The mountains were mixed with dormant volcanic lands that misted the skies with their smoke.

Kazan was the home of the Chisuzu people. They were a peaceful group who had already seen their fair share of warfare in the second ninja war. They fought galanty and assisted in the making of many current lands. Chisuzu's were a small clan of individuals who were blessed with many gifts.

Their home sat on the back of a sleeping dragon named Enya. The world was created by these dragons, at least in Chisuzu faith. Enya provided the Chisuzu people with many wonders; in return, the people ensured the dragons were never forgotten.

The Chisuzu clan was descended directly from Enya. It was told that the great, powerful dragon Enya herself had taken human form and mated with a rogue ninja who found her. His name was Seiu. He found the newly formed Enya and taught her the ways of humanity.

Other dragons enjoyed the idea of finding love, resulting in an entire clan of dragon offsprings. They taught their children how to use their new gifts, both genetic and bestowed upon. The clan grew quite large at one time when dragons outlived their original spouses and re-mated with other humans. That was until the dragons had to flee out of fear of extinction.

Humans from other countries and clans hunted the creatures out of fear or a power trip. The Chisuzu people understood but were deeply saddened by their leaving. The dragon Enya stayed, feeling a sense of responsibility on behalf of the Chisuzu Clan. She protected them from grave threats, clans that almost sought war on Kazan. There was an agreement that she would go into a lifelong sleep but insisted on staying with the Clan, which concluded her human stay.

The Chisuzu power was another worry of other lands. No one knew the true extent of what the people could do. All they knew was that if you fought a Chisuzu, you would lose. Their influence and strength was unparalleled, making their Clan rival the Otsutsuki Clan.

The Chisuzu appearance was mainly human except when they are newborns. Newborn Chisuzu children take the look of their dragon when born, basically if your dragon parent has purple scales - you will have purple skin. It lasted longer in the older generations but faded over time. Other physical features the Chisuzu took on were small horns on the front part of their skulls. They would grow if you'd let them but most filed them down to remain somewhat human looking.

The most well liked feature was the prolonged life the Chisuzu had. Their skin was more durable, unpierceable by most senbon needles or kunai. They could jump higher than average, especially the Chisuzu who also took on the title of Shinobi. There was also the factor of summoning, where the Chisuzu Clan could reunite with their dragons.

The Chisuzu were feared among the lands. Very few ever ventured out of the Hisaobi mountains, but when they did, they were unwelcome in most villages. It was true that most feared what they did not know. And none knew much about the Chisuzu Clan. Until one member of the clan sought more.

Kaito Chisuzu was the brother of the high chieftain of Kazan. He believed that the Chisuzu, who were peaceful beings, were superior to humans. In a way, it was true except none of the Chisuzu people wished war on the other lands. They wanted to remain peaceful and not give the Kages more reason to fear them.

Only, Kaito thought they should use that fear to their advantage. He wanted to make the humans pay for making the dragons flee. Kaito thought it to be unfair and cruel to make the dragons leave their families all out of fear something would happen. Well, that 'something' - that revolt the kages feared, wouldn't be caused by the dragons but rather the people defending them.

How could humans act upon something that wasn't destined to happen, is what Kaito argued. He wanted a revolution. He wanted the dragons to return. Unfortunately, the Chisuzu Clan were forced to act. Kaito couldn't lead them to war, which if he continued his path, he would've. The people of Kazan executed Kaito for his beliefs, but that wasn't enough.

The actions of Kaito made the Kages realize the impending threat of the Chisuzu Clan. The Kages resorted to calling an emergency summit where they would discuss and vote on what action they would take to counter the Chisuzu Clan. All but one kage voted for the threat to be eliminated. The Hokage fought hard to at least lessen the amount of people dying.

The only solution they could agree on was to kill the Clan but spare any children under ten. Children whose mind could be molded. Another condition was that the children be separated. Not even two children could reside in the same village. It was a saddening day, even the heavens cried at the tragedy.

They decided to wait until early winter to start the process. Scouts were placed at the border of Kazan to grasp the number of children that would be sparing. The Kages would learn to regret their vote in years time.

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