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Early winter came around

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Early winter came around. The Chisuzu Clan laughed that morning like it was an average day. The head family had known about the scouts but could not guess what they were there for.

The day was as plain as any other. Mothers spent the morning doing laundry. Fathers spent the day training their children. Boys and girls were held to the same standard. The only children that were placed on a pedestal were the head families' kids. The current chieftain of Kazan had only one child, and it was his only one as his wife could no longer bare more.

Ryuu Chisuzu was named chieftain since he was the strongest of his generation. He taught his daughter Miyoko Chisuzu was also the strongest of her generation. He taught her what he could about combat, knowing the battle to come. He gave her a scroll full of other scrolls. Those scrolls were sacred, they consisted of ancient techniques and history.

Unlike most parents who kept their children in the dark, Ryuu believed it was necessary that as a future leader, Miyoko needed to understand the gravity of the situation. Ryuu insisted on giving her additional training, trying to teach her what he could - not knowing how the upcoming battle will result. Even with the additional training, Miyoko was told to run if a battle were to occur. Her life was the meaning of hope for the Chisuzu people. All she needed to do was live and they would be able to rise up again.

It was a beautiful peaceful night. The skies were so clear you could see every star. They spent it traditionally dancing around the fires, while singing classical Chisuzu tunes. Miyoko stood, smiling up to her father as he watched their mother enjoy herself.

It wasn't until the body of a guardsman was thrown into the fire, effectively putting it out. Ryuu ran to the body, witnessing the kunai slashes in the man's uniform. Ryoko, Miyoko's mother, rushed at her daughter, quickly pulling her into her arms. Panic erupted in the village as ninja slowly creeped out of the shadows, mainly sprouting the same color eyes as the Chisuzu - only with black spirals in the iris.

Women held their children tightly, holding onto them dearly as ninja tried to take the children from their arms. Ryuu shared one last look with his daughter before raising his sword and charging at the opposing shinobi. Many men followed in his footsteps. Sons watched their mothers bleed to death. Daughters watched their fathers be outnumbered and slaughtered.

Miyoko looked around to see other children being killed. Ryoko held onto Miyoko tightly, running in the opposite direction of the fighting. Miyoko called for her father before Ryoko covered her mouth in desperation. Ryoko hid behind corners, using her home field advantage to hide from the ninja.

As they were running, Ryoko tripped with Miyoko tumbling out of her arms. A man with red spiral eyes approached from behind. His hair was short but he had bangs going down to his chin. He held a hard glare on his face as he neared. He had on a metal headband that had another swirl, and a green vest. He was a Uchiha from the Hidden Leaf village, Miyoko realized.

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