Life Changing Experience

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In the Land of Fire, Miyoko was taking a break from running

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In the Land of Fire, Miyoko was taking a break from running. She had encountered some leaf ninjas the day before and took care of them, making her kill count about 24. She knew more ninja were on their way to capture her. She was five, and from her understanding, that was the age demographic these ninja were looking for. They hadn't taken anyone above age twelve during the genocide.

Taking children is despicable to her. Who knew what was happening to them. Or what had happened to them before they died. Miyoko was still very angry, but she kept it hidden. Her pain and grief turned into sadness and then anger and revenge. At first, she wanted to attack the Uchiha for being the main cause of her parents' death. Except she learned they only take orders from the Hokage.

Konoha, home of the Hokage, had something to do with the demise of her clan. That simple fact is what brought Miyoko to the Land of Fire. She laid in the grass in peace. Her face held a light smile that showed her appreciation for the current silence. The people here were kind and creative. They were all so determined, whether it was to capture her or simply build a good watering system for a farm.

People in the Land of Fire were so simple and so at peace, it made her wonder what her clan could've done to provoke them. She knew that massacre wasn't because the clan had done anything. It was the fact that the kages were scared of what they could accomplish. The kages were scared that a small clan up in the mountains would cause a revolution to end their peace that said clan helped them obtain.

Miyoko sighed, adjusting the new blindfold she'd grown accustomed to. She got it to hide her eyes as that was the one feature still exposed under the hood. She'd learn to be blind even if she could still see under the blindfold. On the outside, it was opaque but on the inside she could see straight through the fabric.

She relished in the quiet atmosphere. Quiet was a rarity as she was used to the clinging of kunai. That silence she cherished was soon interrupted by leaf ninja appearing from the woods around her. The girl sighed once more as she was forced to sit up from her lying position.

All the ninja could see was a small pink haired girl, with a thick black blindfold covering her eyes. It seemed like she looked around analyzing them as she pointed her head to each of them. Eventually, one ninja got tired of the waiting game and took out a kunai. "We've been ordered to take you alive, please cooperate." A member of the squad asked.

The young girl only answered with the use of hand signs. Huge rock spikes came up through the ground, impaling three of the ten ninja surrounding her. The ninja jumped back and defensively took out their weapons. Miyoko looked around again before raising her hand, resulting in red needles flowing through the wind.

No matter what, Miyoko refused to back down. The ninja around couldn't determine how to settle her or how to fight her as her chakra nature kept changing. First Miyoko fought with earth style, then lightning style, then water, then fire, and there were short incidences where a blood-like substance would be hardened and thrown at them. She was also quite versed in taijutsu as well. The girl was untouchable.

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