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It was quiet for days

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It was quiet for days. Not a singular soul except the two already there, entered the cave. They stayed there, silent, for about a week. Keiji tried to convince Miyoko that one of them should go find food but she knew they had to hold off. You could survive up to three weeks with no food, Keiji could wait.

Today was the day Miyoko decided they could leave. Keiji would be in charge of searching the surrounding area while Miyoko went into the village. She saw the ruins that were once her home. Tears sprang to her eyes as she witnessed the destruction that had wrecked through her home.

Ashes replaced her parents' bodies. That was just their genetic makeup. Just like their ancestor dragons, once their bodies run cold - they turn to ash. There was no way to stop it unless you stop death itself. Miyoko shook her head, looking away from the remains. She focused on the task at hand. She needed to gather supplies and their historic scrolls.

Whoever now had her people would come looking for answers once their abilities surface. She had to make sure the Chisuzu secrets died with her father. She made her way into the library where the sealed safe contained the Clan's most precious scrolls. She quickly bit through the skin on her thumb with her slightly sharpened teeth to activate the blood seal on the safe. She shuffled the scrolls into a bag she found and took off.

There was really nothing left of her home. All she had now was her memories and Keiji. Speaking of Keiji, she went trailing the perimeter for him. There was no trace of him as he was smart enough to cover his track. But, Miyoko had a heightened sense of smell, just like all Chisuzu members.

He had gone deeper into the woods than intended. On the way, there was an occasional sign of struggle. Miyoko ventured deeper into the woods before hearing a scream. She took off in that direction. She watched from the sidelines as Keiji was surrounded by a group of ninja. The ninja had a single music note of their headbands. Miyoko figured these had to be sound ninja. Miyoko gently set her bag down, reading herself for a fight.

Keiji discreetly locked eyes with her before shaking his head. Even in his terrified state, he knew Miyoko had to live. It was his duty to give his life for hers. He was sweating, preparing for a fight even while injured. One of the ninjas managed to make his ears bleed and lose his hearing. He also was blown against a tree which made his whole body ache.

In his weak state and down one of his six senses, he missed the ninja sneaking up behind him. The sound nin was quick to put pressure on a certain place on Keiji's neck. Keiji's whole body loosened as he quickly dropped to the ground unconscious. Miyoko covered her mouth with tears falling from her eyes.

The sound nin picked up the Chisuzu member and propped him on his shoulder. The group jumped away after having Keiji secure. Miyoko collapsed against the tree she was hiding behind as sobs left her mouth. She truly had lost everything.

A year passed since the Chisuzu genocide. Miyoko had done everything she could to track Keiji and the other missing Chisuzu members. But with the fatigue from not sleeping and not eating, she couldn't follow the sound ninjas who took Keiji.

Rumors had spread to other villages in the Land of Lightning. They varied from the Chisuzu Clan attempted a revolt to the Kages just decided to kill them, the latter being the truth. Miyoko spent a year on the run from the hunter ninjas after her, well more so the missing Chisuzu child.

She heard twenty-five Chisuzu children were taken that winter night. Twenty-three were already dead. People who held a grudge, or had something to prove attacked children, some being as young as three years old. No one held any sympathy for the fallen clan. Everyone, in one way or another, agreed that they 'brought it on themselves.' None of them knew that the Chisuzu Clan had done nothing to motivate that attack, that massacre.

Overtime, Miyoko just grew angry. It was barely visible. At first glance, you'd never be able to tell that she'd been envisioning the different ways she'd murder the people who caused her clan's destruction. She kept her emotions hidden, even her physical pain after she encountered several groups of ninja.

She trained herself using the scrolls from the vault. Forbidden jutsu that were banned, that her father never even mentioned. It was all very educational. She wore a hood constantly to hide her horns. Miyoko was your average Chisuzu member. She had the filed down horns, pink hair, red eyes, sharp nails and teeth, durable heat resistant skin. But, she had more than her looks.

The Chisuzu clan had many gifts. Their physical appearance was just the most obvious of them. They also received a blessing from their dragon summonings, something Miyoko had yet to discover. They were born with no particular chakra nature. The amount that existed were all available to the Chisuzu through the dragons. Though fire would be considered their strongest type, unless you had a water dragon as your direct ancestor.

There was one unique gift that only a few Chisuzu had access to. Chi-Jutsu was special and chose its users wisely. It was the ability to bend blood to the user's will, whether it be their own or someone else's. It was what Miyoko's father used to kill that Uchiha man a year ago. It even went as far as being able to teleport using blood.

Miyoko realized she had this gift during a fight with some sand ninjas. After a while, she mastered it to the best of her ability. Being alone everyday, having nothing to do but train, gave her a lot of time to learn.

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