Building a Bond

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After meeting the girl, Sasuke was attached

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After meeting the girl, Sasuke was attached. He stuck to her like glue, finally having a friend who wasn't his brother. Miyoko was the ideal girl for him. She came from a renowned family, and was powerful. She once trained with Itachi, where she gave him a run for his money with her unknown jutsu. The head clan member witnessed their fight and encouraged Sasuke to befriend the girl.

One night, Miyoko was invited to hang out with Sasuke at his Clan's compound. She agreed hesitantly. As of now, she and Sasuke were outside the compound as she showed him some kunai techniques. "So I hold it like this?" Sasuke asked for confirmation as he held the very bottom of the blade. He saw her nodded before watching her demonstrate.

Miyoko held the knife in the same way she showed him and confidently threw it quickly. It hit the center of her target as he watched in amazement. He smiled before focusing again in order to throw the kunai. His tongue lightly poked out between his lips as he tried throwing it. He flinched as it backfired and he landed on his butt.

Sasuke sat in shock before Miyoko kneeled next to him. He turned to her, cheeks tinting pink as she grabbed his hand. It wasn't until she showed him the cut on his hand that he started to feel the pain. With tears springing to his eyes, he muttered a quiet "ow." With one hand, Miyoko held his hand as the other went to cheek to wipe away his tears.

Too focused on her touching his face, he didn't notice her healing his hand. Unlike a regular medical ninja, her hand glowed a red color to show off her chakra. She showed him his hand and watched as his face grew fascinated. "Woah, Miyo, you just-How do you know medical jutsu already?" he asked quickly.

She pointed to her shoulder where her clan's emblem was embroidered into her kimono. It was a wide v with a small dot above it, accompanied by small wave lines extruding from the letter. Sasuke looked at it with great interest. In turn, he showed her the back of his shirt that proudly displayed his fan symbol representing the Uchiha's. "Mine's cool too, Miyo." Sasuke exclaimed.

She nodded in pretend agreement. All that symbol represented to her was the death of her parents. Looking into Sasuke's eyes, he was full of purity and innocence. She could never imagine such a gentle soul hurting anyone. He was happy. Without his clan, he'd end just like her. At that moment, she decided to give up her revenge against the Uchiha Clan. After all, they were only pawns in a kings game.

"It was pretty interesting," Itachi said, entering the private grounds of the Uchiha. Sasuke smiled brightly, rushing to his brother. Itachi picked up his younger brother and looked at the approaching Chisuzu member. "Teaching Sasuke some techniques?" She nodded. "You might just replace me as his favorite teacher." He commented.

Sasuke pouted, "no one could ever replace you nii-san."

"You know Sasuke, one day I won't be around. You should cherish and hold onto Miyoko." Itachi remarked, no one but Miyoko recognizing the foreboding tone.

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