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It was as normal of a night as any other

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It was as normal of a night as any other. Sasuke was at her apartment with Kazuno. He was currently coloring with his tongue slightly peaking out as he concentrated. Kazuno adored the little boy. Sasuke was cute and talked enough to match Kazuno. He also loved the fact that Sasuke liked Miyoko, she needed friends. The Hokage ensured Miyoko was cared for as a kind of retribution since his village took part in the destruction of hers.

In truth, he was afraid of potential rebellion. Miyoko rivaled several of his strongest ninja, ranging from Kakashi to Itachi, both Anbu members and Junin. He could only dream of the chaos she could spread across his village for revenge. Kazuno sighed just thinking about it. To him, Miyoko wasn't a threat. She wouldn't hurt anyone. Even if she ended up hating Konoha, so long as a certain Uchiha remained within it, no harm would come to them.

Kazuno shook away such negative thoughts. He loved Miyoko like a daughter. He had been her guardian for a year now. She was nothing less of a prodigy of perfection. He smiled at he watched her read a book from the resisted section of the library. He remembered first seeing her with it and freaking out. That was until he realized that she would give it back if he asked, which he did. She wasn't stealing the books as part of some revenge plot. She just wanted to learn.

Looking to Sasuke's drawing, he saw a rough image of the Uchiha head family along with Miyoko holding the youngest hand. He smiled, "that's a nice picture, Sasuke."

The young boy beamed with pride, holding up the drawing, "you bet it is! I'm the best."

Kazuno chuckled, "You shouldn't get too cocky, Sasuke."

"Nii-san says that confidence is key." Sasuke referred to Itachi.

"You should be confident, but too much will only hold you back. But speaking of your brother, why did he send you over here so suddenly?" Kazuno questioned.
He shrugged, "something about a Clan meeting that I'm too young for."

Miyoko's eyes widened underneath her blindfold. An unsettling feeling entered her stomach as she stood. It was happening tonight. Whatever Konoha had planned for the Uchiha clan was happening at this very moment. Of course Itachi wouldn't want Sasuke to witness such carnage.

"Miyoko?" Kazuno called out in concern.

Miyoko didn't spare him a glance before disappearing into thin air, at least that's what it looked like. If it wasn't for the balcony door that was now open, you wouldn't have even been able to tell she left the house. "Miyoko!" he yelled, running to the door to look for her.

Sasuke followed him in worry. "Kazuno-san, where's Miyo going?" Kazuno remained silent, holding Sasuke's form against his leg.

Miyoko rushed through the village, jumping from roof to roof to get to the compound. A familiar anger rose in her as she knew the higher ups of Konoha planned this. She was sure, from Itachi's hints, that something bad was going to happen to the clan. Perhaps Anbu squads were going to ambush the clan in their sleep. Miyoko couldn't let it happen.

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