Chapter 1 - Surprises

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It's been about 2 months since the incident. The group have kept in touch ever since. They even lived fairly close to each other in LA. Scott recovered with minor injuries to his shoulder, with that out of the way he was soon allowed to be discharged from the hospital. To celebrate his recovery, the group planned on surprising him. Mitch was in Scott's hospital room holding his hand. "Yaaaay, you finally get to leave here soon!" Mitch grinned.

"Finally, this hospital food taste like complete shit!" Scott whined. He looked around for any doctors in sight. When he couldn't see any, he spoke. "Have you got the stuff?" Scott asked suspiciously. Mitch pulled out a Chipolte wrap from his bag and handed it to Scott.

"Good doing business with you." Mitch smiled. Scott didn't hesitate to dig into his food. "Calm down Catherine, you don't want to lose your figure." Mitch joked. Mitch's phone buzzed, he looked to see that it was a text from Kevin. Scott peeped over but Mitch quickly retracted his phone away. The only thing Scott saw was who it was he was texting.

"Was was that about?" Scott raised his eyebrows.

"It's private!" Mitch chuckled.

"I want you to look me in the eye..." Scott's tone of voice turned serious. Mitch's heart skipped a beat for a second. Scott continued "...and tell me you're not cheating on me with Kevin." The couple broke out into uncontrollable laughter. " but seriously, what did he say?" Scott asked.

"He just asked how you were doing." Mitch lied. Scott narrowed his eyes at Mitch. "Whaaaat?" Mitch's voice went higher than usual.

"Okay, okay I believe you..." Scott gave up. Mitch brought his phone back out and looked over his conversation with Kevin.

-Mitch's phone-

2:00pm Kevin: Hey Mitch!

2:02pm Mitch: Hi Kurvy, I'm in Scott's hospital room now. He's sleeping at the moment.

2:04pm Kevin: Good! We're all at Scott's house.

2:05pm Mitch: Okay, so how long do you think you'll be with setting things up at his place?

2:05pm Kevin: Maybe an hour, that's if Avi and Kirstie stop taking kissing breaks...

2:06pm Mitch: Tell them they better get to work or else Mitch will slap them with his bangs!

2:08pm Kevin: Yes Queen! 

2:10pm Mitch: Uh oh, bae just woke up...

2:11pm Kevin: Keep him busy! 

2:44pm Kevin: We're done now! Tell us when you two are on your way!

Mitch replied with a simple 'okay' to Kevin's latest message. He put his phone away then snuggled closer to Scott. Mitch grabbed the remote to the TV and switched it to Spongebob Squarepants. The couple sang the theme tune happily until they were interrupted by the doctor barging in. He was holding a clipboard in his hand. "I see you two are having fun!" The doctor smiled. Scott and Mitch giggled. "Okay I need you to sign here, here and here." He handed Scott a pen. Scott did his signature where he was ordered to. "Well Mr Hoying, you're free to leave! I believe Mr Grassi is taking you home in his car?" 

"Yes I am and ummm it's Mx Grassi...." Mitch said with a little sass. 

"Oooo, you better work!" Scott snapped his finger in the air.

"He...he...ummm, well it's been nice having you here, I'll get a nurse to escort you out." The doctor walked away awkwardly. "Weirdos..." He muttered under his breath. Soon, the nurse came and led them out of the building all the way to Mitch's car. Mitch texted Kevin that they were on their way. 

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