Chapter 4 - Notes

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Scott and Mitch pulled up at Kirstie's house. They got out of the car and knocked on the door. "Kirstieeee?" Mitch sang. No response. "Kirstie open the damn door. You don't want to get Mitch angry." There was still no answer.

"Maybe she's out...?" Scott suggested.

"Maybe...but that doesn't beat the fact that she's been ignoring all our calls and texts lately." Mitch sighed with frustration.

"Let's go to Avi's house, see if he knows anything about this..." Scott and Mitch went back inside the car and they headed towards Avi's house. Within about 20 minutes they were there. "Avi?" Scott said as he banged on the door. Nobody answered.

"This is fucking ridiculous!" Mitch paced around angrily. 

"Umm, may I help you?" A lady came up to the couple.

"We're looking for our friend Avi..." Scott explained. "Do you know him?"

"Yeah! He's my brother, I'm Esther." She introduced herself.

"I'm Mitch and that's my dadd- boyfriend Scott." Mitch smiled.

"Nice to meet you know, I'm looking for Avi as well. He hasn't called me at all. I came here yesterday too and he wasn't here. I'm getting worried." Esther frowned.

"Wow...that's horrible..." Scott sighed.

"Well, I'm hoping for the best. If you guys hear from him please call me." Esther handed Scott her number.

"Will do." Scott gave her a reassuring smile.

"I'll be off now, bye guys!" Esther waved goodbye and walked away. Scott and Mitch got back into the car. 

"Next stop?" Mitch asked.

"Jenna's house." Scott drove all the way to Jenna's house hoping to get some answers. They pulled up. "Okay hopefully she's in..." They got out of the car and once again knocked on the door. Scott and Mitch waited anxiously for it to open. Jenna was in her basement watching Avi as he slept when she heard the knock. She went all the way to the living room and peeped through the peephole.

"Shit..." Jenna said under her breath. It was clear they weren't going away so Jenna just opened the door.

"Hey Jenna!" Mitch said. "Can we come in?" The sound of Mitch's voice woke Avi up. He listened to the voice carefully.

"Mitch...?" Avi questioned. "It is Mitch!"

"I'm kind of busy, sorry guys..." Jenna lied.

"We'll be two seconds, we just want to talk to you." Scott explained.

"That's Scott!" Avi said with excitement. "MITCH! SCOTT! HELP ME!" Avi yelled. It sounded like mumbles from the living room but it was still noticeable.

"What was that?" Mitch asked.

"It's the TV." Jenna smiled.

"Okaaay, umm so can we come in or what?" Scott scratched his head.

"I said I'm busy, maybe some other time okay?" Jenna slammed the door in their face. Scott and Mitch were taken back by her level of rudeness.

"That bitch! What is her fucking problem?" Mitch sassed. A delivery man came up behind them.

"Hey, do you live here? This package is for Jenna Marbles." The delivery man had a package in his hand.

"Yes, I'm her brother...Trent, Trent Marbles." Mitch lied. Scott gave him a confused look. Mitch accepted the package and the delivery man was off.

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