Chapter 5 - Ride or Die

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(This video has nothing to do with the story, I just hope you've all seen the most recent spreecast! :) )

"He would hit I ran away to 'The Mansion'. After everything, he found me, I don't know how, but he found me. Avi I tried to tell him that I didn't love him but he wouldn't let me leave! When you saw me with him, he pinned a gun against my back so I couldn't tell the truth. I-I'm so sorry..." Kirstie broke down crying. The whole group sat down in the dark alley way listening to Kirstie's story about Jeremy. Everybody was so shocked, they had to clue. Avi pulled Kirstie into a hug.

"Don't say you're sorry, it's not you're fault. God...I wish I could kill him!" Avi was furious.

"H-He's dead!" Kirstie said. All eyes turned to her.

" didn't..." Scott scratched his head nervously.

"No...It all happened so fast...I was hiding in the bathroom and it sounded like someone broke in. He screamed. Next thing I knew, blood was rushing under the door along with a note that said I was next..." Kirstie was shaking in Avi's arms.

"THIS IS COMPLETE BULLSHIT!" Mitch yelled while walking up and down the alley way. 

"Mitch..." Scott sighed.

"NO! IT'S LIKE WE'RE FUCKING CURSED, I'M NOT EVEN SCARED ANYMORE, KILL ME! RUN ME OVER WITH  A FUCKING CAR!" Mitch yelled at the top of his lungs. The group saw two headlights zooming their way, it was the car from before.

"AHHHHH! FUCK SAKE MITCH!" Scott yelled.

"RUN!" Kalel screamed. Everyone ran with their best ability away from the car. They weren't fast enough and the car was gaining up on them quickly. 

"We're... gonna... die!" Mitch said between breaths. He was slowing down.

"Mitch you have to keep running!" Scott said desperately. The car was so close to Mitch that he was fully ready to give up his life.

"HERE!" Kalel shouted. Everyone jumped on a tree and pulled themselves up. Straight after, the car rammed into the tree in an attempt to knock them off. The car did this continuously and it was starting to wreck. The group sat on branches trying to regain their breath after that long run.They flinched every time the car drove into the tree.

"We have to move...this person is not giving up." Avi said.

"I have a plan! We have to climb onto that house." Kalel explained. The tree they were on was right next to the building. "I'll go first." Kalel moved swiftly and jumped onto the roof successfully, it was almost as if she'd done it before. Kevin went next, he carefully shimmied from the branch to the roof.

"I'll go..." Avi stepped carefully avoiding the rams of the car. He made it successfully. The tree was starting to get a little rocky. Scott went next, he almost lost his balance but he made it. Kirstie and Mitch were the only ones left.

"Do you want to go first?" Kirstie asked Mitch. He shook his head nervously. "Okay..." Kirstie sighed. She made her way across quickly.

"C'mon Mitch!" Scott called for him. Mitch looked down at the height he was at. He was paralyzed on the spot. Mitch was always afraid of heights and he was bullied in high school for it. "MITCH!" Scott screamed. Mitch lifted his head at Scott and shook his head with tears running down his face. The car was slowly baking away from the tree, waiting for the right moment to drive into the tree again.

"MITCH, QUICKLY!" Avi yelled. 

"I-I can't!" Mitch cried, his face was turning red. 

"I have to go and get him..." Scott sighed.

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