Chapter 7

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Morning came and Connor was in the kitchen making some basic breakfast for the crew. Scott came stumbling through the living room. "Hey do you have some water or something, I feel like shit..." Scott rubbed his head.

"Yeah...wait there hun." Connor walked to the fridge.

"Urg..." Scott leaned over and rested his head on the counter.

"Here you are my love." Connor handed Scott a bottle of cold water.

"Thanks..." Scott groaned.

"I missed you. We should hang out more!"

"Ummm, sure if I have time I guess." Scott chugged on his water.

"No, you don't understand, I really missed you." Connor looked into Scott's eyes.

"I...missed you too." Scott smiled awkwardly. Connor secretly had a hidden ear piece in his ear.

"Okay now hug him in 3...2...1." The unknown person said. Connor threw his arms around Scott and just at that moment Mitch walked in. He crossed his arms and eyed the two of them embracing in a hug. Mitch coughed getting the attention of both of them.

"Hey baby." Scott let go of Connor and walked over to Mitch opening his arms. Mitch pushed past Scott and walked over to Connor.

"Why were you hugging him?"

" I'm not aloud to hug a human being?" Connor snapped back at him.

"Mitch's nothing honestly." Scott yawned in a tired manor. Mitch rolled his eyes at Connor and walked back to Scott. He wrapped his arms around him and placed his head in his chest.

"That's the good morning I deserve." Scott smirked.

"I'm sorry..." Mitch sighed.

"Well, I made breakfast for everyone." Connor jumped in with a smile.

"Wow thanks! I'll wake everyone up." Scott walked out of the kitchen leaving Connor and Mitch alone. Mitch walked up to Connor.

"Is your throat dry or are you this thirsty on a regular basis?" Mitch narrowed his eyes.

"Hah, good one." Connor chuckled

"Listen, you better back off of my man" Mitch pointed at him threateningly.

"Or what?" Connor smirked as he grabbed Mitch's wrist and squeezed it. Mitch was in extreme pain, his attitude sunk and suddenly he turned into a frightened child. "You're pathetic." Connor let go of his hand causing Mitch to rock back a little. He held his wrist in pain and watched as his skin reddened. "Scott and I go back, there's no space for you hun." Connor grinned, went over to his stove and continued cooking as if nothing happened. Mitch was so confused on what just happened, fear over came him and he rushed out of the Kitchen and into the closet.

"What...just...happened?" Mitch slid down the door and held his head in stress. Meanwhile, Avi stumbled along the hallway half asleep. Suddenly, he bumped into Kirstie making situations 10x more awkward.

Avi and Kirstie's mind: Shit...

Kirstie just walked past him without a word. "Nice..." Avi mouthed to himself. He carried on walking his way to enter the bathroom. Avi showered his face with a splash of water over the sink. Suddenly, he heard his name being called from outside the bathroom. "Yeah?"

"Scott told me Connor made some breakfast for us!" Kevin called out.

"Cool, I'll be out in a sec..." Avi didn't realize his voice was broken down in sadness.

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