Chapter 3 - New Lifestyles

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(A/N This is Kalel BTW :D )

Avi slowly opened his eyes. He looked around to see a dark empty room. Avi tried to move but he couldn't. His eyes caught the attention of his tied up arms and legs. "What the hell?!" Avi shouted trying his hardest to wriggle out of it. "That bitch..." Avi murmured to himself. Jenna just so happened to be walking in on that moment.

"So I'm a bitch now?" Jenna smirked and raised her eyebrow.

"WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU?" Avi kept fighting but failed to escape the ropes. 

"You can keep on won't work." Jenna crossed her arms.

"LET ME GO NOW YOU CRAZY BITCH!" Avi yelled with all his might.

"Shut up." Jenna said sternly.

"WHAT DO YOU EVEN WANT?" Avi kept on yelling.

"I said shut up." Jenna's voice raised but Avi didn't give up.


"I SAID SHUT UP!" Jenna screamed while smashing a bottle against the wall. It shattered into pieces. Avi sat there in shock, his heart racing madly. "You wanna know why you're here? You wanna know why you're fucking here Avi?" Jenna stepped closer to Avi. "I love you Avi. I love you so fucking much!" Tears formed in Jenna's eyes. "All I ever hear is Kirstie's name! She is the only one you ever talk about, you don't even notice me! Well now you're mine! I don't even care what you say!" 

Avi's mind: Oh my gosh...

"I want you Avi!" Jenna yelled as she crouched down to Avi. She slowly started unbuttoning her shirt. Jenna crept closer to him and whispered "I want to feel you inside me..." Avi was shaking uncontrollably. Jenna grabbed his face and kissed him forcefully. Avi tried to escape the kiss but she was actually quite strong. She made out with him passionately, using her hands to scan over the bulge in his pants. Jenna pulled out of the kiss and Avi was worn out.

"Jenna...please...stop...." Avi breathed heavily from all the kissing. Jenna stood up and slowly slipped off her shorts revealing a black laced thong. 

Avi's mind: Please no...

Next thing Avi knew, Jenna was only wearing a bra and thong. Avi faced his head down trying his hardest to look away. Jenna crouched back down to him. She planted kisses down his neck. Her eyes landed on Avi's zipper on his pants, it was clear what her intentions were. Jenna rubbed her hand on Avi's private area then gave it an intense squeeze. She zipped it down and bent her head down. "Jenna wait!" Avi yelled. Jenna paused. "You're pregnant! You can't do this..." Avi said with concern. Jenna stopped to think before zipping Avi's pants back up. Avi sighed with relief.

"I see you already care for the baby, we're gonna be a great family!" Jenna grinned. She kissed him on the lips before standing up to leave.

"Jenna...where are you going?" Avi asked. Jenna ignored him and started walking to the door. "You can't leave me here! JENNA!" Avi yelled. Jenna picked up the keys to the room and walked out locking the door. "Stupid bitch!" Avi grunted with anger. With that, Avi was left alone in an unknown room.
In Jeremy's apartment, Kirstie was laying on the bed with Jeremy on her side sleeping. 

Kirstie's mind: It's all you're deserved everything that happened. Avi hates you! He'll move on and have a happy life with Jenna, with a baby, then they'll probably get married...and you'll just be here, depressed. You deserve every ounce of sadness upon your life!

Kirstie broke down crying waking up Jeremy. "What the fuck is wrong with you?" He sat up in the bed. 

"N-nothing..." Kirstie sniffed. 

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