Chapter 2 An awkward moment

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Authoress's note. The picture that you are seeing now is owned by KEYBRIDGE. Anyway on with the story. It all started on 8 June 1988. Dogday was putting a bandage over Catnap's eye which was bruised, because Kickin Chicken had punched him very hard in the eye. "Okay what happened?" Dogday asked.

Crossing his arms, and looking at Catnap with a very serious expression. It was very rare for any of the Smilling Critters to fight. The last fight that had happened was between Crafty Corn and Bubba Bubbaphant.

They were fighting over who could make the best painting. But ih the end they realized that both their paintings were good, and they made up. That fight happened about 6, or 7 years ago. So Dogday knew that something serious must have happened for Kickin Chicken and Catnap to fight like this.

Catnap bit his tongue. He knew Dogday would think he was stupid if he knew what they were fighting over. "Catnap I'm waiting for an answer." Dogday said. Sounding impatient. ... "We were fighting over who could make the best house using pillows." Catnap replied.

His face red with embarrassment while he was looking down at the floor. As soon as Dogday heard that he burst into uncontrollable laughter. Catnap huffed in anger when he heard Dogday laughing.

"Wait wait so Kickin Chicken punched you in the eye just because you said you could make a house out of pillows better then him?" Dogday asked again. Making sure he understood the situation while containing his laughter.

"Yes." Catnap replied. Confirming that Dogday understood what happened. Then Dogday began laughing again. After about 30 minutes of Dogday laughing like a mad person. He finally stopped laughing. "But seriously you guys do realize that you are idiots for fighting over something so stupid right?"

Dogday asked. Telling nothing but the truth. "What did you just call me?" Catnap asked. Sounding very offended by being called an idiot. "I said you guys are i ..., but before Dogday could finish speaking Catnap suddenly jumped on top of him with his claw sticking out.

"Take that back." Catnap demanded. "Okay I'm sorry will you get off me now?" Dogday asked. Sounding uncomfortable. Just then Catnap realized that he was too close to Dogday. Like to his face close. Catnap immediately got off Dogday. "S-s sorry." Catnap apologized. He did not realize it, but he was blushing very hard.

An awkward silence befell the two of them. Until Dogday broke it. "I think you should apologize to Kickin Chicken, I'm sure both of your pillow houses are great." Dogday said. Catnap agreed, and went to apologize to Kickin Chicken. The two made up,

and Crafty Corn the judge of the Pillow house building competition said that both of their pillow houses looked amazing. But Catnap still couldn't get a particular scene out of his head.

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