Chapter 5 Catnap goes full yandere mode part 1

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Authoress's note. The image that you are seeing now is owned by the Dare Types wiki fandom. Before we begin this chapter I would like to say this. Disclaimer. Please don't send any death threats, or hate comments to Mob games, or the voice actors of the characters in this story. This is just fanfiction, and not faithful to the original whatsoever. Thank you have a nice day.

Ever since that day Bobby and Dogday started dating. With Catnap observing them from afar. Catnap tried to move on from Dogday, but everytime he would try and think about something else like Chocolate for example.

It would remind him of how Dogday loved Chocolate Pudding. No matter what he did Catnap couldn't get Dogday out of his head. One day Catnap was watching Dogday play with the other critters as usual when Bobby suddenly came from behind him. "Ugh are you still watching Dogday?, Why can't you get this into your small brain?, Dogday will never ever love you."

Bobby said. As she pushed Catnap onto the ground before laughing hysterically. Then she walked away. "Stupid bitch." Catnap muttered angirly and softly under his breath.

Catnap sat in his room thinking about what Bobby did to him. This was not the first time Bobby did mean things to him. She would often trip him. Damage anything that belonged to him for example his favourite comic book.

Bobby even spread rumours about Catnap. Saying that he would emotionally bully, or belittle her for being short. Most of the Critters believed her lies, because of her good acting skills.

The only animals that did not believe Bobby's lies was Dogday and Bubba Bubbaphant. As a result of these rumours most of the Smilling Critters stopped talking to Catnap. They even ignored him.

However Catnap was not upset about the rumours, or how Bobby would steal his things. No what made him the most furious was the fact that Bobby stole Dogday away from him. His blood would boil everytime he thought about it. I should have been the one to confess my feelings to Dogday not that asshole of a bear. Dogday should have been m ... No Dogday is not a thing he can be in love with whoever he wants to be. Catnap thought to himself.

"I know you aren't serious about that." A voice suddenly said. Causing Catnap to jump and stick his claws out in self defense. "Who are you?" Catnap asked. Raising his fists. "I am the voice in your head, but you can just call me the helper, because I want to help you."

The Helper replied. "So you are like my consciousness telling me right from wrong?" Catnap asked. Sounding confused. "Ugh no I'm not anything like those noisy little rats who fight like cats and dogs all the time,

Seriously a person can't get any sleep when those two loud speakers argue, Anyways I don't tell you what is right or wrong, I just put certain thoughts into your head, or tell you to do something then you decide if you want to listen to the thoughts in your head or not."

The Helper explained. "What do you want?" Catnap asked. "Like I said before I'm here to help you, and I know that what you are thinking now is not true, I know that deep down inside you want Dogday to be yours, And I want to help you with that by making a suggestion, Why don't you just get rid of Bobby, or anyone who tries to steal Dogday away from you?,

Before you start thinking what if Dogday finds out?, You can just quickly kill them, Drag their bodies to your basement, After that you put them in your furnace to burn the bodies." The Helper said.

... Catnap didn't know what to do. He knew that killing innocent people was wrong, but everytime Catnap thought about Dogday being with anyone else besides him. His heart started pounding in fear. His face became red with anger. Besides it's not like anyone will know he did it.

Dogday belonged to Catnap. Catnap would also make sure that absolutely no one would take Dogday away from him. He would make sure that Dogday would only love him. ... "Okay I'll do it." Catnap said. With a big smile appearing on his face. Then the Helper went back into Catnap's head.

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