Chapter 8 Confrontation and an unkwon witnesses

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Warning this chapter contains murder. If you are sensitive to this topic please don't read this chapter. Thank you have a nice day.

It was the day after Dogday's birthday. Dogday and Catnap were peacefully sleeping together when suddenly the door burst open. With Kicken Chicken standing in front of them.

Before Dogday  and Catnap could say anything Kicken Chicken jumped on top of Catnap, and began punching him. "Kicken Chicken what has gotten into you?!" Dogday asked. Trying his best to get the chicken off of Catnap. "Where is Bobby I know you did something to her?!"

Kicken Chicken asked. His voice filled with anger. "What are you talking about?, Isn't Bobby in her room?" Catnap asked. Sounding calm and a bit confused.

"Don't play dumb with me I was in my room when I heard Bobby talking to herself, She was saying something about going to Catnap's basement to meet Dogday." Kicken Chicken replied. Not wanting to hear Catnap's excuses.

Crap I didn't expect Kicken Chicken to know about Bobby, but I think I have an idea. Catnap thought to himself. "Okay how about you go to my basement, and if Bobby's not there then it shows that I didn't do anything to her."

Catnap explained. "Fine, but I still don't trust you." Kicken Chicken replied. As he went to Catnap's basement. As soon as Kicken Chicken got into the basement he felt his lungs were filling up with a strange gass. This caused Kicken Chicken to choke to death.

Catnap quickly checked Kicken Chicken's pulse, and once he was sure Kicken Chicken was dead. He took his body to the furnace, and burned it.

Not knowing that some Critter had quietly followed him and Kicken Chicken to the basement, and saw everything that happened.

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