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This one is short, but I hope it scares you a little. And if you happen to read my new book "Summer Bummer", I will be updating as soon as Wattpad stops deleting the chapters on the website. I don't use the website for anything else, only the app, so I have to keep reposting the chapters. And Wattpad won't let me upload the photos I attach on new chapters. Does anyone know how to do it on the app? Thanks.
This is not edited, and I've got a headache, so excuse any mistakes.
For the fifth night in a row, I lay awake in the darkness of my bedroom. I am unable to sleep, and I haven't been for five entire days. Each time I stare through the darkness in front of my eyes, I swear I see something staring back at me. It's for a brief interlude, but it frightens me so much when I do see it.
The face is always darkened around the edges, but it is a pale white. Its eye sockets are hollow, nothing but a pool of black. The air always goes cold before it appears, and it warms when it's gone.
The first night I saw it, I was laying on my back, just staring into the blackness. Then, even though I thought it was just my mind playing tricks on me, it showed up and scared the hell out of me. That face, the frigid air. It made me sick. But when it dissipated, I relaxed, but no sleep came for the rest of the night.
I can only sleep when the sun comes up, for a few hours everyday. I thank God that I'm off for summer break, otherwise I might've been screwed due to lack of sleep. Sleeping with my lamp on would be a good idea, but I don't want my family to think I'm a wuss for believing such nonsense.
So, for the fifth night, I stare in front of me, seeing nothing but black, just waiting for it to show up. I clutch my blankets in my cold, clammy hands when I feel the temperature drop a few degrees in about two seconds. Then it finally rears its ugly head.
But this time, it stays longer. My heart is racing and my hands are sweating. It looks back at me with hollow eyes. For the first time, I see something outlining on the bottom of the face. It's a mouth, with rotting teeth that has a pungent smell radiating off of them. It keeps looking at me, smiling a horrid smile.
"Go away," I whisper so quietly, that I think it might not even hear me.
But it does.
"No," it whispers, and the smell of death follows it.
"Go, now," I demand quietly, trying to touch it, though I know it's a risqué move.
I feel something grasp my wrist. It's cold and hard. It feels like a hand, with hard fingers that squeeze into my flesh. I try to yank my hand away, but it keeps its hold on it. The face doesn't stop looking at me. It watches me intently, as if it's waiting for something.
"I won't leave," it whispers. "You're mine. I control you."
Very swiftly, I reach over and turn on my lamp. The grasp on my hand disappears and the face is gone. I feel the air warm up again, and relief floods my inner being. It's gone now, but for how long, I don't know. But it will come back.
But as I turn my gaze to the window, I see a dark figure standing under the moonlight. It has the same face as the one that haunts me. It waves at me. And before I get a chance to resist, I wave back.

Short Scary StoriesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora